Someone broke into the lifeguard booth and stole a medical bag. "It's a life-saving device"

TVN24 | Pomerania

July 15, 2021, 13:28

TVN24 | Pomerania

video 2/6TVN24 A rescue booth was robbed in Karwi

He broke a padlock in a rescue booth on the beach in Karwieńskie Błota (Pomorskie) and stole, among other things, a medical bag. The police are looking for him. - This is life saving equipment. During the summer season, it is especially needed, and work without it is impossible - rescuers remind.

The burglary took place between three and four in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday on the beach in Karwieńskie Błota in the Krokowa commune. - The perpetrators broke the padlock securing the door to the booth, from where they stole the R1 rescue bag and rescue equipment - reported the Poviat Police Headquarters in Puck.

According to Michał Chlebicz, the coordinator of the Sea Baths in the Krokowa commune, the broken padlock was noticed by rescuers who came to work on Wednesday morning.

Someone broke into the lifeguard booth and stole medical bag.

- Due to the fact that we have our base in Karwia, which is three kilometers from this place, unfortunately we are forced to leave this equipment here, secured with a padlock, of course. It turned out that the burglars stole the most important thing, i.e. the R1 medical bag, which is necessary for us to professionally conduct rescue operations on this hundred-meter beach for which we are responsible - he says.

"It's unbelievable that someone could have stolen medical rescue equipment"

Chlebicz adds that due to the Covid-19 epidemic, obtaining new medical oxygen and other medical supplies is very difficult. - It turned out that the director of the KRUS branch in Gdańsk came to the rescue, who offered help and through the OSP Karwia we received such a bag today - he says.

Marcin Drewa, director of the regional branch of KRUS in Gdańsk, admitted that he had learned about the case from the media.

- It's hard to believe that someone could steal emergency medical equipment during the season. I immediately recommended such a bag (rescue - ed.) for the OSP in Karwia, because it is the OSP that serves this place - says Drewa. - I am very glad that we were able to react so quickly, that today we can fill this loss after the stolen bag, so that rescuers can act and save human life and health - he adds.


Investigators are explaining the circumstances of this incident and are asking for help from anyone who could help identify the perpetrators of the theft.

- It should be emphasized that this is equipment that saves human life and health. During the summer season, it is especially needed, and the work of rescuers without it is impossible - police officers add.


Source: TVN24

Main photo source: TVN24
