Łódź.He used Nordic walking poles because he couldn't reach the steering wheel.He demolished the shop


A 61-year-old Łódź citizen came up with an unusual idea.Unable to get behind the wheel of his car, he decided to leave the parking space, controlling the car using Nordic Walking poles - says the police.As a result, he entered the building, demolishing him.He was punished for his behavior.

The incident occurred a few days ago (October 28, 2021) around 13:00.The duty officer of the Łódź road received a car report that entered the building and damaged a large part of the facade.A police patrol was sent to the scene.- On Łagiewnicka Street, they saw the red Renault, a damaged building, and next to a standing man.61-year-old vehicle driver immediately began to explain.He explained that he came to the store and parked the car in the parking lot facing the shops, then went shopping.When the man returned to Renówka after a while, it turned out that he had parked another car right next to him in a way that prevented him from opening the door from the driver.Unable to get behind the wheel, the 61-year-old came up with the idea that he would enter the car from the passenger side.Sitting in the passenger's site, he started his car.It would not be surprising if it wasn't for the fact that the man tried to leave the parking space by controlling the vehicle with the help of nordic walking poles he had in the car.As a result, his car moved forward and entered the store's website - describes the young.asp.Jadwiga Czyż from WRD KMP in Łódź.

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Łódź. Użył kijków do nordic walking, bo nie mógł dosięgnąć kierownicy. Zdemolował sklep

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At the time of the incident, an employee stayed in the room.Fortunately, he did not sit at the desk arranged against the wall destroyed by the car and nothing happened to him.Driver's sobriety test showed that he was sober.For his irresponsible act, the driver received a penalty fine.

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