Bidet - what is it and what is it for?|We are building a house

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What is a bidet?

The bidet is very similar to a toilet bowl (unlike it there is no board), although its use is slightly different.Due to its functionality, the bidet is usually placed at the toilet.Used to wash intimate places and refresh, just after using the toilet.Bidet is an extremely useful device in many situations, the more that often the use of toilet paper itself may be insufficient.It is primarily about elderly and pregnant women, i.e. people who often have limited physical capabilities.

How to use a bidet properly?

In order for the bidet to be useful (taking into account the function he held), it should be mounted right next to the toilet.Depending on your preferences, you can use the bidet, sitting in front or back to the battery (most people consider the first position the most comfortable, but you should not be guided, but only have their own preferences in mind).When choosing items when using a bidet, one should not forget about any movement restrictions.

How to mount a bidet in the bathroom?

In the assembly of the bidet in the bathroom, one of the most important issues is to determine the optimal height at which it will be found.The best solution is to place it on a par with a toilet bowl - the same height in this case will facilitate the comfortable use of both elements of the bathroom fittings.The height, like the use of the bidet, should be tailored to individual needs.

Toilet and bidet should be at the same height, but remember to keep the right distance between them, which should not be less than 20 cm.For ease of use, you should also leave at least 70 cm maneuvering around the bidet.

A siphon is an essential part of the bidet.For this reason, remember not to mount a bidet at a height less than 20 cm.Otherwise, it may turn out that the installation of the siphon is impossible, so the bidet will not perform its function.

Najkorzystniejszym rozwiązaniem jest umieszczenie bidetu na równi z miską ustępową

How to mount a bidet?

  1. Przygotowanie przyłącza wodociągowego w ścianie. Prace będą się różniły w zależności od tego, czy będzie to bidet stojący, czy wiszący. Kolejnym etapem prac jest montaż kolan/zaworów kątowych na oczkach wodociągowych.
  2. Montaż baterii i syfonu - w tym przypadku prace są niemal identyczne jak przy montażu umywalki.
  3. Podłączenie bidetu do zimnej i ciepłej wody.
  4. Wykończenie miejsc łączenia, co ma zapobiegać wnikaniu wody w szczeliny. Można wykorzystać do tego przezroczysty silikon.

What sizes does a bidet have?

The bidets are available in different sizes, so that everyone will be able to find the most suitable model for their own needs.Most often mounted in bathrooms, models are about 40 cm wide, while their length is 55-60 cm.The bidets have not only different sizes, individual models also differ in shape or colors.


How much does a bidet cost?

Due to the fact that the choice of bidet models is currently extremely wide, it is not surprising that their prices are very diverse.This is just a positive feature, because it allows you to choose the right element adapted to financial capabilities.The manufacturer also has a significant impact on the cost of buying a bidet.The more known and advertised, the higher the prices of its products (which, contrary to appearances, is not always associated with higher quality).

For a bidet of a good quality unknown manufacturer, you should pay PLN 200-400, while in the case of the most famous manufacturers, models of comparable quality may cost up to PLN 1,000.

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