Scenes like a horror movie: An inflatable castle with children fired into the sky!They are wounded


The tragedy took place in the city of Alexandria in Belarus.A strong wind kidnapped inflatable castles in which children played.According to reports, seven people were taken to hospital.

Nobody expected that in a moment at the festival there could be scenes like a horror cinema.The whole action took place during the Kupała Night festival in Belarus.According to local media, in the city of Aleksandria, strong wind raised inflatable castles on which the children stayed.

On a recording published on social media, we can see how two castles literally fly away and circulate in the air.How did this happen?The links that were attached to the inflatable castle had to loosen or completely break.

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The circumstances of the accident are not yet known.For now, it is only known that seven people were hospitalized, including both children and adults.There were doctors on duty at the festival who quickly provided the victims of the victims.Everyone was transported to the hospital.Their lives probably do not threaten the danger.

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