Latvia.A resolution was adopted to build a wall on the border with Belarus

A large migrant camp is being built on the border.There is a recording

"Due to the need to immediately start building the external infrastructure of the land border, the bill will enter into force the next day after the announcement" - we read in a message published on the website of the Latvian Sejm.

It has been added that "taking into account changes in the international environment in the field of security and a rapid increase in the number of cases of illegal crossing of the Latvian-Belarusian border, threats related to the protection and safety of borders have intensified".For this reason, it is necessary to build the infrastructure necessary to protect them as soon as possible.

See: Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior: Lithuania is preparing for the worst scenarios.The government is supported by the opposition

Łotwa. Przyjęto uchwałę o budowie muru na granicy z Białorusią

Pursuant to the Act, a committee monitoring the construction of external borders infrastructure will be appointed.He will be presided over by the Interior Minister.

The exact area where the infrastructure securing the border will be set will become the State Border Guard in cooperation with the State Security Agency.

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