Kielce residents can check online air quality in the city!- Radio EM Kielce

At the streets of Marszałkowska, Orkana, Krzyżanowska, Leszczyńska, Kujawska, Dygasiński, Maliki and Miners of Staszicowskie - these are just a few out of twenty -one locations in which Kielce can find smog sensors.These were installed on school buildings, kindergartens and the City Hall as part of the project submitted to the previous edition of the Civic Budget.

- The air quality measurement system itself does not fight smog, but it is informative and educational.We hope that the inhabitants will monitor it, which will also affect the increase in the awareness that smog breathing affects our daily lives and health.Sensors measure not only air quality, but also pressure, humidity and temperature - says Vice President Agata Wojda.

One of the elements of the system is the air quality measurement post, which with the help of light signals whether it is good (green), medium (orange) or evil (red).You can find it in the Gray Ranks Square.

Kielczanie mogą sprawdzić online jakość powietrza w mieście! - Radio eM Kielce

- Selection of sensors was consulted with representatives of the university from our city, primarily with the Świętokrzyskie University of.The sensors are prepared for expansion, for example, we can add additional parameters to them.In the future, we would like their number in Kielce to increase - says Aneta Boroń, director of the Municipal Management Department and the Environment.

The city authorities appeal to entrepreneurs to place smog sensors also at their headquarters.

- If someone would like to put a smog sensor at their company's headquarters, we will be happy to advise you what the sensor can be to make it compatible with our system.At the same time, we will be happy to add to the map of Kielce sensors this particular sensor with the company name and address.It will be an element of joining useful activities for the benefit of residents, but also a nice type of company promotion - says Vice President Wojda.

A map of smog sensors can be found at the link: https: //