The time of the epidemic is a pandemic of cyber attacks on hospitals, laboratories.Warn against "cyber -9/11" - News -

- You have to seriously approach the threats on the web - because the world is moving more and more in cyberspace, and the pandemic of Coronavirus has significantly accelerated this trend - he tells the portal of Polskieradio24.Pl Izabela Albrycht, president of the Kościuszko Institute.

5G z Chin albo z Zachodu. Prezes Instytutu Kościuszki: chodzi o demokratyczny lub autorytarny rozwój cyfrowy

Pandemia is also a time of threats due to an increased number of hacker attacks, those for property reasons, but also sponsored by you.This is, for example, the Hades group, APT28 (Fancy Bear), Chinese Mustang Panda or Pakistani apt36 - says our interlocutor.


So what to do so as not to fall victim to the attack?- We must take care of securing our equipment and updates of operating systems, applications.You must avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, especially those without hammer.You need to secure passwords, store them correctly, two -stage verification (also for encrypted messengers) is especially recommended, the appropriate password manager will also help us in practice - says the president of the Kościuszko Institute.

It also warns against impersonation by hackers for known or confusingly similar e-mail addresses-and then, for example, sending infected attachments or dangerous links.

More about pandemic cyber threads and how to protect against them - in conversation.

Polskieradio24.PL: Changes after Pandemia seem inevitable.This situation brings some opportunities and some threats.A chance is to participate in the production of new solutions for the world, mainly in the field of digitization.However, there are alsogations.They are associated with the need to ensure security, as with traditional infrastructure - so that no one can take over, damage, block activities in the important sphere of activities of societies and countries.

President of the Kościuszko Institute Izabela Albrycht, the more technology - the more the digital hazard surface is expanding.The process of digitization of the economy is accompanied by an increased number of cyber threads.At the Kościuszko Institute, we say that Coronaviru's pandemic - is accompanied by an epidemic.The indirect consequence of the pandemic we fight with is the increase in the number of attacks in cyberspace.It is about attacks aimed at individual users working in Home Office mode, functioning outside the company architecture of systems and network security.

However, we can see that a lot of attacks are carried out on entities that fight the coronavirus on the first line.A lot of hospitals or public health system institutions have recently been victims of the ransomware.

Dziś Dzień Hasła. Czas epidemii to pandemia cyberataków na szpitale, laboratoria. Ostrzegają przed ”Cyber-9/11

Such attacks have happened in the past.However, we now see a larger number of them.Fighting Pandemia, when computer systems do not work in the hospital, is very difficult.Hospitals in several countries were attacked, the Czech Republic, USA or France.It is worth adding that laboratories are also attacked, dealing with testing Covid-19 cases.The FBI also issued warnings for pharmaceutical companies to strengthen digital protection and protect intellectual property when they work on vaccines and drugs for coronavirus.These services drew attention to the possibility of attacks by hackers sponsored by you.


Czas epidemii to pandemia cyberataków na szpitale, laboratoria. Ostrzegają przed ”Cyber-9/11” - Wiadomości -

The number of phishing attacks on companies and government administration has increased in recent weeks.There are many of them.But there is also a risk of attacks on critical infrastructure.Many institutions point out that the security of critical sectors of the economy must be strengthened, because they can be the subject of attacks.

The commission under the name Cyberspace Solarium Commission operates in the USA.Its members are trying to recommend the US government such activities that will potentially prevent a cybernetic attack with effects similar to the terrorist attack of September 11.Threat "Cyber 9/11" is therefore something that American experts try to face.

Cyberrataki are not the domain of only hackers who make them from financial motifs.Various entities are identified that are involved in cyberoperations and can be sponsored by the state.This is, for example, the Hades group, APT28 (Fancy Bear), Chinese Mustang Panda or Pakistani apt36.

We have seen that the victims of attacks are such giants as Tesla, Space-X, Lockheed Martin.Recently leaked their confidential data.Therefore, to sum up, it is worth noting that nobody is really safe.We must think about our ways and strategies of the fight against cyber threads.We have to treat it more seriously.

The voltage in the digital space is increasing.


And we should think about how we behave on the web, how to strengthen our security ourselves.Passwords, password change, two -stage slogans are important.But sometimes it doesn't care because it's so more convenient.

We must go back to the basics.The rules of hygienic behavior in the web and cybersecurity have been known for years.Man has always been the weakest link.In recent days we have often operated outside the safety architecture of our jobs, so we have to take care of securing our equipment and updates of operating systems and application more than before, often, ourselves, often, ourselves, ourselves.You must avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, especially those without hammer bez dodatkowej ochrony takiej jak np.VPN services.You need to secure passwords, store them correctly, two -stage verification is recommended, as well as a properly configured password manager.

Recently, the National Security Center in Great Britain warned that WhatsApp has issued recommendations that all users would include two -stage verification.Although we use safe communication applications that are encrypted, like end-to-end, we must be aware that applications can be worse or better secured.The two -stage password in the application is often not immediately activated, at the time of its installation we have to do it ourselves.

It's like in an apartment - it is natural that we mount the door, the lock, lower and upper, the alarm.These are the basics that you do not need to remind anyone in the case of apartments, it should be no different in the case of the digital world.

We must also keep special attention in the case of attention to the email addresses of the addressees.You need to make sure that someone is impersonating someone we know or our services providers.Everyone has to develop cyber resistance themselves.

Indeed, some people still recognize Cybersfera as an area that organizes itself, but as in the case of ground reality - the need for organizational activities, on a regular basis.


Z Prezes Instytutu Kościuszki, Izabelą Albrycht, rozmawiała Agnieszka Marcela Kamińska,