The traffic lights on DK11 in Lubliniec are already standing.Will it be safer?

Warning traffic lights will be created in five locations.The first in DK 11 in Ciasna, in 529 kilometers and 934 meters, where lighting at a pedestrian crossing and in the transition zone will also be created.

Second within the intersection of DK11 with ul..Dębowa in Glinica, where it will also be built at a pedestrian crossing DK11 and on the side inlet along ul.Dębowa dedicated lighting for pedestrian crossings with lighting of the transition zone to DK.

Sygnalizacja świetlna na DK11 w Lublińcu już stoi. Czy będzie bezpieczniej?

Another within the intersection of DK11 with ul..Brzezinkowska in Glinica, where it will also be built at the pedestrian crossing DK11 and on the side inlet along the street.Brzeźniowska dedicated lighting for pedestrian crossings.

The fourth will be installed within the intersection of DK43 with ul..Printing in Kłobuck, where it will also be built at a pedestrian crossing and in the Lighting Transition Zone.Here, the paving access to a pedestrian crossing will also be created with the intersection geometry regulation.