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- Stasiek said and threw the reproductive pills of the stopping, they advertise, warning that an overdose may be unpleasant to end up health or life.

Astral body (stars believed: Pawłowicz Krystyna, Piotrowicz Stanisław and, as a last resort, even a master of non -Farmation Przyłębska and Different AD: Anonymous Dublera) - the Constitutional Tribunal ruled that he suspends the implementation of the Supreme Court resolution.Further attempts to take action in the way to the final destruction of the law and democracy in Poland.And because the constitution and laws are the only common and established binder of the state and society, it means the intention to destroy both the first and second.Something like this is done by the occupier during the war, not the power representing the citizens.Yes, but we have.Poland is the only country, which is provided every day by every real Pole and bishop too.Because he is also a real Pole.

Speaker of the Senate, against whom Catholics from the government, the ruling party, the Church and the steadfast of the opposition and scrap metal to the media government are perceived by the crime with Art.8 Decalogue: "Not a speaking testimony against his neighbor", proposes a "round table" in the judiciary in Poland.

Minister Master (as you can hear on "sufficiently", which is an evaluated assessment of the "n" category) from justice, as a result of the visit of Mrs. Vera Jourova, the Vice -President of the European Commission, says something about "compromise", which she is not known about, having nothing to do with herIt means that the European Union will agree with the minister and his principle.

The naivety and awkwardness of opposition proposals of the "round table", "open debates" or "compromises" laugh, approved and indignant."Round table with PiS?He doesn't negotiate with terrorists, "says journalist Eliza Michalik and is absolutely right.Is not negotiated with terrorists;We do not negotiate whether we are allowed to live, have the right and the opportunity to live a dignified life.Eliza Michalik is also absolutely right when he says that "silent marches" are devoid of the essence of things and the causative strength: you must not go or stand silent but you have to shout and vile power to show loudly anger: ¡no pasarán! The eloquence of silence can comprehend a handful of subtleintellectuals and education, however, this does not work on a common scale and does not work on the rulers.There are no subtle people, and there are plenty of rags.This is what he reminded - not directly, and so eloquently - the Maryian of Turski, a former prisoner of Auschwitz, when he talked about the gradual perception of freedom and dignity: first we agree to one concession, the other, we finally stop noticing it and we agree passively for the rest, untilto the end.

Poland deserves its fate, since there are so few journalists like Jakeliz Michalik.Among the majority of mediated representatives with the opposition there is either great naivety, or a full hypocrisy subtlety, which, however, loses with hypocrisy.Elizamichalik can be subtle and expressive and very accurate of the vocabulary.However, it has a strong advantage, which apparently not owned: there is no illusions as to the essence and role of the Catholic Church, which creates fertile soil for violence and fraud.I can see the relationship of one evil with the other.

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Poland, apparently, deserves a better fate.That would be due to the ads of sanitary napkins: you deserve the best!There was a time when a handful of people in Poland thought so and led to reforms in some areas of Poland's life, which was perfect: you rule, under him.However, they thought that the opposite with this perfection.They even led to the fact that the first Polish constitution was established, in addition one of the first in the world.And what about it, since it was adopted when Poland was not really existing.

More than two hundred years have passed since then and as in Poland: a repetition of entertainment.It is not possible, such an identity of a Pole.A handful of people anchored Poland in the European Union.And only thanks to a handful and only thanks to the fact that Poland is in the Union, there is a serious chance to modify fate - that, like more than two hundred years ago, Poles themselves discovered Poland, so thanks to this vile, professing culture of the death of the European Union - what we know frombishops and real Poles will not be able to destroy Polish Poles.

Professor Strzembosz explains: The Constitutional Tribunal is not an appeal against the Supreme Court.And the Tribunal in Luxembourg will suspend the "Billing" Kaczyński, Ziobro, Morawiecki and Duda.

Perhaps the most important of this handful who provided Poland's accession to the EU, and earlier the admission of the constitution - President Aleksander Kwasniewski - was subject to unlawful, criminal criminal of the state's special services, when Kaczyński ruled, which results from the testimonies of "Agent Tomek" and other circumstantial evidence.All evil bonds lead directly to Kaczyński, in virtually every case.Kaczyński wanted to see the "system" in the middle of which Kwasniewski was that he created a system that - at least - from 1989 there was no.

One of the main and ominous shameful tools to create this arrangement was the creation of a religion of a "assassination in Smolensk" based on Catholics themselves, which he met Russia, Prime Minister Tusk and decent Poles.He pacified - with the strength of the ax - all subtle education and citizens (among them, which shocks in naivety in the same time he is dealing with, also President Michał Kleiber, who called for the "open debate"who seemed to be politely examining, recalling the facts and "opening the debate", they would disarm this tool of death and from Kaczyński would make a pensioner sitting in the park on a bench and a bird feeding with a roll of birds.
