Okradał kościelne skarbonki w Legionowie i Warszawie. Wpadł w ręce policjantów po tym jak został zamknięty na zakrystii

Policemen from Warsaw's Białołęka worked on theft with burglary into the church piggy bank.Policemen managed to select the person responsible for this theft.The man fell into the hands of uniformed after he was accidentally locked up in the sacristy in one of the parishes in Legionowo.A total of the 46-year-old heard three charges for which he may be punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

Okradał kościelne skarbonki w Legionowie i Warszawie. Wpadł w ręce policjantów po tym jak został zamknięty na zakrystii

The whole thing had its beginning in April this year.when an unknown man broke into a church piggy bank in Białołęka.- The perpetrator unknown at that time broke into a wooden piggy bank for parishioners' donations and stole about 300 zlotys from it.The total value of the damage caused by PLN 950.Policemen from Białołęka analyzed this notification in detail and quickly selected a person suspected of this crime.- informs Kom.Paulina Onyszko, KRP VI press officer in Warsaw.

The man was closed on the sacristy

The thief fell after he was accidentally closed on the sacristy of one of the parishes in Legionowo.- The man fell into the hands of law enforcement officers last week.Policemen from Legionowo detained a 46-year-old who was accidentally locked in the sacristy of one of the parishes.The man, despite the difficult situation in which he found himself, fiercely searched the cabinets to get valuable loot.Investigators from Białołęka, analyzing other similar matters, discovered that the detained man just a week earlier broke into a church piggy bank in another Legionnaire parish and stole cash from her in the amount of about PLN 300.The man is already after the allegations.He will be responsible for two burglary and one attempt, for which he is punishable by imprisonment of up to 10 years old.- adds kom.Paulina Onyszko, KRP VI press officer in Warsaw.