EU money is changed by the Wągrowiec poviat.What investments have been implemented thanks to the support of EU funds?

Arkadiusz Dembiński
Dodaj komentarz:Udostępnij:Na jakie inwestycje samorządy z powiatu wągrowieckiego pozyskały środki z Unii Europejskiej?

Open borders, traveling without passports, subsidies to agriculture...Today, many of us cannot imagine Poland outside the European Union.15 years have passed since our entry into the community.Our local governments also used the period in the Union.Officials obtained external funds for investments that changed our region.

- From the very beginning, the Wągrowiec poviat tried to use EU funds optimally.Even before entering the community, we obtained funds for road tasks under Sapard.Then we applied for support of tasks under regional and national operational programs, as well as the Rural Development Program.These applications concerned not only investment tasks, related primarily to the reconstruction of roads.We received funding for several so -called.soft projects.Thanks to them, support in the form of additional educational classes received several hundred students of secondary schools, many teachers raised their qualifications, while schools were equipped with educational aids.We have created a network of cooperation and self -education for teachers from schools at all levels.We support families and foster care from EU money.The poviat has implemented and continues to implement projects aimed at electronize public services.An example is the currently conducted digitization of geodetic and cartographic resources, or the introduction of electronic medical documentation in the poviat hospital.Thanks to EU funds, many people have also received subsidies to start a business - admits the staroste Tomasz Kranc.

The poviat obtained over PLN 4 million from the Union for the reconstruction of the Wapno-Damasławek route.Two million zlotys from European funds supported the reconstruction of the Łekno-Ząbczyn road.

City and commune of Skoki

The authorities of jumping can boast of considerable funding.According to representatives of the office, a total of about PLN 35 million was obtained from the Union.The most important tasks include the construction of an integrated interchange point in jumping, for which over PLN 2.5 million was obtained, the thermomodernization of the town hall - about PLN 0.5 million, less than a million zlotys from the middle of European ones was allocated to the construction of a long -time -budder road, a million for the construction of the marketplace.Over PLN 26 million in grants from the Union were allocated to the construction of the sewage system.This task was carried out in cooperation with other local governments as part of the Puszcza Zielonka Association.The total pool of co -financing for the entire task was over PLN 250 million.

City of Wągrowiec

Thanks to EU funds, a lot has also changed in the city of Wągrowiec.- Real co -financing of investment projects and the so -called.soft projects, realizowanych wyłącznie przez miasto (bez inwestycji przedsiębiorstw), w latach 2004 - 2019 wyniosło ponad 21 mln zł.Among the investments that changed the face of Wągrowiec in these years of new streets (Dworcowa - 2015, Paderewskiego - 2018), reconstruction of Przemysłowa Street (2017), bicycle road connecting the East housing estate from the city center (2017), modernization of the station building with the surroundings (loan under the Jessica program),along with the construction of parking lots for cars and parking sheds for several hundred bikes.

Twice, thanks to funds from the European Union, the tabor of the Public Transport Plant was renovated and modernized: in 2011.- Purchase of 4 Autosan buses, in 2018.- 4 low -emission buses, including the first electric bus in the city.In 2010, funding from the EU also allowed the new athletics stadium in the Sports and Recreation Center and a football field with artificial turf.Wągrowiecka education also benefited thanks to EU help - they were new sports hall in SP No. 3 at Sumna Street and the first nursery in the Wschód estate in the city, the thermo -modernization of Primary School building No. 3 at Klasztorna Street was also implemented - the city hall representatives calculate.

City and commune of Gołańcz

On the other hand, over PLN 3.7 million were obtained by the authorities of Gołańsk for the expansion of the local school.This is just one of the many investments for which the EU funds have been obtained.These were obtained, among others, for the construction of a sanitary sewage system for the villages of Chojna, Potulin, Bogdanowo (over a million zlotys), construction of a pavement at the castle, construction of a village common room in Buszewo, etc..

EU funds are also obtained in other communes of the poviat.

Wągrowiec commune

In the Wągrowiec commune, the EU funding went to the construction of the sewage system in Bartodziejach (PLN 2.5 million in adjustment), construction of photovoltaic installations (nearly PLN 800,000), reconstruction of the Bartodzieje-Kopaszyn road (over PLN 1.3 million), for the reconstruction of the village common roomin Łekno (nearly half a million zlotys funding), expansion of the sports complex in Kobulc (over PLN 400,000).

- In 2018, the Wągrowiec commune began to implement two projects co-financed under the RDP 2014-2020: "Construction of a marketplace in Łekno, Wągrowiec commune".Project value: PLN 1,519 642.66, including co -financing PLN 966 PLN 948.00.- "Construction and reconstruction of water and sewage infrastructure in the town of Ochodza".Project value: PLN 3 013 459.66, including co -financing: PLN 1,558,913.00 - officials inform.

Wapno commune

- In the Wapno commune, the most important investment that EU funds were obtained for was the construction of a sports hall for.EU funds also went to the construction of a common room in Ruśc and the club -szatni at the municipal stadium - lists Radosław Kubisz, former chairman of the Wapno Commune Council for many years.


2.2 million zlotys funding was obtained to the commune ofMieścisko.- From these funds, rural common rooms in Sarbia, Kościelny, Kłodzinie, Żabiczyn and Zbietka as well as the Culture Center inMieścisko were renovated or modernized.In addition, as part of the "small projects" implemented via the LAG, the Wool Valley, of which we are a member, we obtained funding for retrofitting the village common room in Popów Kościelny, Sarbia, Żabiczyn andMirkowice.A sanitary sewage system with sewage for the village of Żabiczyn was built.In the town ofMieścisko (ul..Janowiecka) and pavements were built in Żabiczyn - lists the head of the village Przemysław Renn.

Damasławek commune

Thanks to EU funds in the Damasławek commune,M was, sports hall at school, rural common dzięki środkom unijnym pozyskanym w 2018 r powstaje świetlica w Dąbrowie - wylicza na facebooku JacekMatysiak, były wójt Damasławka.

See the movie - A.Duda: The matter of expanding the European Union as important as Brexit

Source: tvn24/x-new

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