Mis -C - a new disease that affects children.He attacks the heart after passing the Covid-19


21 stycznia 2022, 17:27Aktualizacja: 22 stycznia 2022, 11:44


Journal of the American Heart Association
dragana991/Getty ImagesMIS-C - odkryto nową chorobę, która dotyka dzieci. Ma związek z Covid-19

Mis-C touches children about 4 to 6 weeks after coronavirus infection.The study that confirmed the suspicion of a new phenomenon concerned 60 children who were hospitalized in connection with new symptoms.How dangerous is the new MIS-C disease?

Mis-C-a new disease of children after contact with the SARS-COV-2 virus

As a result of a three-month observation carried out in the United States.About 85% of cases that were examined, both in the USA and in Europe, concerned the left ventricle.MIS-C symptoms resemble Kawasaki's disease a bit, but according to the Journal of the American Heart Association, it is associated with deeper inflammation, and in addition can cause other inflammation, including in the lungs, kidneys, stomach or intestines.

MIS-C - nowa choroba, która dotyka dzieci. Atakuje serce po przejściu Covid-19


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As Anirban Benerjee, a professor of clinical pediatrics, said: "There is currently limited data on how often and how long we should monitor the heart function in the recovery state of MIS-C after leaving the hospital by the child".

Children who were tested at first were not recognized as infected Covid-19 before the symptoms of MIS-C disease occurred.There were children aged about 10 years old in the group.The study showed that the occupation of myocardial muscle is transient, and does not lead to long -term abnormalities in a systolic or diastolic cell function.The disease affected children who have not been vaccinated or have not yet taken the full dose of the vaccine.

Mis -C - new heart disease in children.How dangerous she is?

The disease is still fresh and it should be taken into account that this is one of the first studies that has been done.However, as the scientists showed, within a week of receiving children with symptoms, heart work (systolic and antispasmodic function of both chambers) has improved significantly.Moreover, within 3 months of observing the disease, the heart rate was completely normalized, and at the same time no irregularities in the coronary arteries were noticed.

MIS-C is described as a similar to Kawasaki disease, which is an acute systemic disease that causes inflammation of the walls of blood vessels.Both units touch children, but Kawasaki mainly applies to children living in East Asia.Research showed that MIS-C affected both Asian, white, Latin and Black children.In addition, Mis-C also affects older children, because also above 5.age.

Currently, the most important question that the scientists stands in front of scientists is how children are doing about 2 years after hospitalization.As they also point out, this is a new disease, so we still don't know everything about it.Thus, any shortcomings may have appeared in the knowledge obtained on the basis of the study.

See also:

Author: Teofila Siewko

Source: Journal of the American Heart Association

Source of the main photo: Dragana991/Getty Images

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