30. WOŚP final with attractions.Events in Lublin, Kraśnik, Biała Podlaska, Chełm, Zamość and other cities


In Lublin it will be the hottest at the Cultural Center.Preschoolers will start their performance in the auditorium for 12.The next concerts are scheduled for up to.22.40.Music and dance bands will also look in CK basements.There will be a lot of interesting stands and stalls in the corridors of the Cultural Center.Admission to the Culture Center is best with a Covid passport.Otherwise, the organizers will have to stick to the 30 percent limit.places for unvaccinated people.

It is also interesting to be in the open air: in front of the Globus Hall there will be medical rescue shows, presentation of fire trucks and artistic performances, and 20 light to heaven.Anyone willing will get cold fires.Athletes will also appear before the globe.At 15 there will be MKS handball players, 16 volleyballers of the gaps, and at 17 Speedway Motor Lublin speedway school show.


As many as 346 meters and 63 centimeters have a Lublin scarf, which was created as part of an action initiated by Anna Endzelm from Mińsk Mazowiecki.The idea is for many people to make a 20 cm wide scarf and 150 cm long.After the combination of everyone, a record long scarf is to be created, which will be put up for the auction.The money will of course go to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

30. finał WOŚP z atrakcjami. Wydarzenia w Lublinie, Kraśniku, Białej Podlaskiej, Chełmie, Zamościu i innych miastach

- January 1 I saw information about the initiative.I thought it was a nice thing and I started to do crochet myself - says Michalina Juścińska.In total, about 100 people sent their scarves to the Lublin staff, even from Puławy or Zamość.And this week, the 346-meter scarf was sewn this week..After the auction of the scarf, it will be possible to disconnect and transfer to those in need.- Because this is not about the record, but to help someone - emphasizes Michalina Juścińska.

For a tattoo for a lawyer

Auctions are an increasingly popular form of support for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.And so you can bid, for example.Kevlar Speedway Speedwaymen from the 2020 season issued by President Krzysztof Żuk.Starting price PLN 1,000.The hourly passage as a Ford Mustang passenger from 1967 (yesterday price PLN 335) is also to be auctioned..Yesterday you had to pay PLN 94 for rugby ball with autographs of construction players Lublin yesterday.For dinner with a selected MKS Lublin player, yesterday's auction was already PLN 720.In turn, the volleyball player Luk Lublin Jakub Wachnik with autographs of the team costs PLN 449.

Lublin lawyers also joined the campaign.Adam Adam Załęski invites you to a glider flight over Lublin (yesterday price PLN 320).A person who will bid for a tattoo by lawyer Staszek Estreich will also show a lot of courage.He is the son of a former dean.Yesterday for a tattoo you had to pay PLN 510.Tennis Polish runner -up lawyers Tomasz Wierzchowski invites you to a sparring on the court.Advocate Małgorzata Banach for an hour of a motorcycle riding (yesterday price PLN 255).And for a ride by a motorcycle from Lublin to Kazimierz Dolny as a passenger, lawyer Maciej Banągiewicz invites.

- Motorcycle ride is a very great pleasure, even as a passenger.The road to Kazimierz Dolny is very picturesque, it has a lot of turns.I also provide a helmet and a motorcycle jacket - encourages Banner.