Monitoring cameras in Warsaw.The least in Wesoła, the most in Śródmieście


21 czerwca 2021, 7:28


ShutterstockIle kamer monitoringu miejskiego funkcjonuje w Warszawie? (zdjęcie ilustracyjne)

Councilor of the Civic Coalition asked about the number of urban monitoring cameras.We learn not only from the town hall's response, but also how the situation is divided into districts.The least cameras are in Wesoła, Rembertów and Italy, and the most in Śródmieście.And there will be even more.

Renata Niewitecka from the Civic Coalition turned to the Warsaw authorities asking about the number of urban monitoring cameras in individual districts."Visual monitoring is an important element of the city's security system.Cameras are used, among others, for ongoing monitoring of threats and detecting crimes and offenses, and act preventively and deter potential criminals from committing some crimes and offenses.Each year, the number of cameras monitoring urban space (ground, underground, mobile " - noted the councilor in the interpellation.

She asked for information on the number of cameras monitoring urban space (ground and underground) divided into individual districts.She also asked what city plans related to the expansion of urban monitoring in individual districts (excluding monitoring in public transport).

Kamery monitoringu w Warszawie. Najmniej w Wesołej, najwięcej w Śródmieściu

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457 city cameras

The secretary of the city Włodzimierz Karpiński responded to the interpellation.Informed that 457 cameras are installed in the city video monitoring system administered by the Monitoring System Service Department.He also gave how many cameras are in individual districts:

Bemowo-16 cameras, Białołęka-15, Bielany-16, Mokotów-28, Ochota-28, Praga-Południe-53, Praga-Północ-34, Rembertów-9, Śródmieście-132, Targówek-18, Ursus-11, Ursynów- 13, Wawer - 11, Wesoła - 6, Wilanów - 15, Italy - 8, Wola - 32, Żoliborz - 12.

"Since last year, we have been using 10 temporary mobile cameras, which are a perfect complement to stationary cameras.Thanks to the image transmission technology used using mobile operators, we can launch the camera faster and move it between locations depending on your needs " - explained Karpiński in response in response.

He also informed what plans for the expansion of this system the city has."In 2021, the monitoring system service plans to install 12 cameras: four in the Wesoła district (from funds from the civic budget) and eight in other locations of Warsaw" - pointed out the secretary.He also reserved that it is possible to install more cameras "in the event of free funds".

There will be more

The answer also shows that the city is betting on places where new cameras will be launched."We received locations, submitted primarily by the police and the City Guard.We also include places indicated by district offices, councilors in interpellations and queries and the residents themselves " - summed up Karpiński.

A year ago in July there was an attack on a tourist in Nowy Świat.The event has just been recorded by city monitoring cameras:

Author: MP/R


Source of the main photo: Shutterstock

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