Libiąż. Monitoring instead of paid police patrols. Cameras will monitor other places

Sławomir Bromboszcz
See the gallery (3 photos) Add comment: Share: 35 thousand. PLN will be allocated by the Libiąż commune for the purchase of new cameras that will enrich the network of municipal monitoring. Originally, these funds were to be used to finance additional, paid police patrols. The councilors decided that at this point it was more important to expand the monitoring network.

The financing of the activities of the police by municipalities is a subject that evokes a lot of emotions, especially in the face of controversial actions by police officers in recent months. Some Libyan councilors have long doubted whether the commune should finance the police from its budget. They appeared last year, when money was allocated to paid police patrols, and also when it was decided to provide support for the purchase of a new police car for the police station in Libiąż.

Libyan councilors decided that in a situation where the local government is also beginning to feel the economic effects of the pandemic, there are more urgent and more important needs than financing the police, a service which, as a rule, should be financed from the state budget. From the perspective of the commune and the inhabitants, the modernization of the municipal monitoring seems to be more important than the additional patrols.

- says Jacek Latko, the mayor of Libiąż.

The city monitoring system in Libiąż currently has 27 cameras. The image from it is recorded in a dedicated and secured server room and made available to the Police Station in Libiąż. The first conclusions regarding the places of installation of new cameras have already appeared. This includes around the municipal cemetery, but also around schools. New cameras are also to monitor village council centers. The final decision in this matter is yet to be made.

- emphasizes the mayor.

The video monitoring system has been operating in the Libiąż commune since 2014.

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