Additional information - Gorzów Wielkopolski City Hall

Integrated territorial investments

Tasks of the management of the Regional Operational Program - Lubuskie 2020 and the intermediary institution.The management of the Lubuskie Voivodeship is responsible for managing the regional program.The units entrusted with the functions of the management institution (MA) are located in the structure of the Marshal's Office of the Lubuskie Voivodeship in Zielona Góra.

These are:

I am responsible for the efficient and correct implementation of the program.It also issues guidelines, recommendations and textbooks on various aspects related to the implementation of the program and conducts information and promotional activities.Program management competences are very broad - from its development, through the selection of projects for co -financing, ordering payments to beneficiaries and verifying the correctness of their expenses, to comprehensive monitoring of the program implementation progress and verification of the achieved goals.Main tasks of the management institution of the RPO - Lubuskie 2020: (1)

The management institution may transfer part of its tasks to the implementation of the intermediary institution (IP).However, he still maintains full responsibility for the entire implementation of the program.(2) The intermediary institution (IP) carries out tasks related to the implementation of the ZIT MOF GW strategy.IP tasks are carried out by the ZIT leader - the Mayor of the City of Gorzów Wlkp.(Executive body of the city of Gorzów Wlkp.), and the Faculty of Integrated Territorial Investments is subject to administrative functions.City of Gorzów Wlkp.It serves as IP on the terms arising from the agreement of August 3, 2015.(3), in which the management institution entrusts the intermediary institution following tasks:

Development goals for implementation under ZIT.

The development goals of the ZIT MOF GW strategy are associated with the support system set for the ZIT formula by the Lubuskie Voivodeship in the Regional Operational Program - Lubuskie 2020.For ZIT MOF GW, two development goals have been set resulting from the diagnosed problems of MOF Gorzów Wlkp.:​

These goals are pursued by development priorities and the actions indicated in the table below.(4)


Developmental goals



RPO-L2020 Sub-measure

Municipal Functional Area Gorzów Wlkp.Through integrated activities, accumulating creative capital and innovative potential creates a coherent and efficient socio-economic organism

Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, quality of education and external availability of MOF GW

High potential and competitiveness of enterprises in MOF GW.

Preparation of investment areas.

1.3.2 investment areas

Promoting entrepreneurship by facilitating the economic use of new ideas.

1.4.2 Economic promotion

High quality of education.

Support for pre -school education in MOF GW.

8.1.2 Equalizing the disproportion in the quality of education at the elementary and general level

Support for general education in MOF GW.

8.2.2 Equalization of disproportion in the quality of education at the general level and adaptation of the educational offer to the needs of students with special educational and health needs

Support for vocational education in MOF GW.

8.4.2 Improving the quality of vocational education

Development of vocational education infrastructure in MOF GW.

9.3.2 development of educational infrastructure - Vocational Education Center

Improving external communication availability of MOF GW.

Developing road infrastructure ensuring the availability of the TEN-T network.

5.1.2 Road transport - reconstruction of ul..Kostrzyńska

Low -emission economy IFUNUNTIONAL SPACE MOF GW

Going to a low -emission economy.

Increasing energy efficiency in public buildings in MOF GW.

3.2.2 Energy efficiency

Supporting sustainable multimodal urban mobility.

3.3.2 Limidation of low emissions in cities

Development of cultural heritage.

Renovation and promotion of cultural resources and cultural heritage in MOF GW.

4.4.2 Culture and natural heritage resources

Development of marginalized areas.

Support for physical, economic and social revitalization in MOF GW.

9.2.2 Development of marginalized areas

Obszar RPO – Lubuskie 2020 do realizacji w ramach ZIT MOF GW:Działania do wykonania w ramach ZIT (zgodnie z ww. celami rozwojowymi) realizowane są w ramach poszczególnych poddziałań Szczegółowego Opisu Osi Priorytetowych RPO-L2020: Szerzej na ten temat w zakładce: „Poznaj projekty”. Kto może być Wnioskodawcą/Beneficjentem w ramach ZIT?Zaplanowane projekty składane są w ramach ogłaszanych przez Zarząd Województwa Lubuskiego konkursach, indywidualnie przez poszczególne gminy MOF GW lub na zasadach partnerstwa, gdzieCity of Gorzów Wlkp. jest liderem. Ponadto, w niektórych poddziałaniach w ramach ogłaszanych konkursów, projekty mogą składać także inni potencjalni beneficjenci wskazani w katalogu beneficjentów ujętym w regulaminie danego konkursu, mogą być nimi:Jak przebiega ocena wniosków? OCENA WNIOSKÓW O DOFINANSOWANIE(1) Zasady działania i obowiązki Instytucji Zarządzającej zostały określone w ustawie o zasadach realizacji programów w zakresie polityki spójności finansowanych w perspektywie finansowej 2014 – 2020.(2) źródło: portal Instytucji Zarządzającej RPO Lubuskie-2020.(3) Treść porozumienia zamieszczona w zakładce: Dokumenty.(4) źródło: „Strategia Zintegrowanych Inwestycji Terytorialnych Miejskiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego Gorzowa Wlkp., wersja 1, Gorzów Wlkp., 25 listopada 2015 r., Tabela 37.