Electric boiler - what to choose and how to connect?

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What are the types of electric boilers?

The basic division of these devices is flow and capacitive boilers.

Flow bolers are characterized by:

The capacitive boiler heats the water on a regular basis as we wear out.

Bojler elektryczny przepływowy podgrzewa wodę na zapas. (photo. Stiebel Eltron)Pojemnościowy ogrzewacz wody sprawdzi się m.in. w łazience. (photo. Kospel)

Due to the construction, we can distinguish:

Electric boilers also differ due to the type of thermal insulation used: they can be insulated with polyurethane foam, sponge or polystyrene.We will also find non -insulated boilers on sale.

Is the use of an electric boiler economical?

Whether an electric boiler will be economical depends on its type, type of insulation and whether it is supported by photovoltaic panels, or whether the only source of energy comes from the network.

The economic boiler in the bathroom should be adapted by size to the number of people living at home.Connecting an electric boiler also requires calculation how much water we use.

Remember that if the boiler does not heat the water on a regular basis, and you can count the water consumption badly, then it may turn out that one of the household members will run out of hot water and he will have to wait for the water to heat up in the tank.

For four household members, a 120 -liter boiler is enough, but it all depends on individual differences and habits.

Dla rodziny 2+2 zazwyczaj wystarczy bojler o pojemności 120 litrów. (photo. Galmet)

A boiler in the kitchen can have a smaller capacity - you don't need as much water for washing as a bath as a bath.In order not to waste electricity, it is worth choosing a boiler model with temperature control.

Another economic solution is the thermostat, which will keep the water in the boiler at the optimal level and will not allow it to cool down.The boiler power is an equally important parameter - the greater the power, the greater the power consumption.For four people, a boiler with a power of about 4.5 kW is enough.

How to mount an electric boiler?

To connect the boiler, you need to check if there are appropriate conditions for this:

Installation of an electric boiler in six simple steps:

  1. Zamontowanie stelaża (do kupienia w komplecie z bojlerem).
  2. Zawieszenie zbiornika.
  3. Podłączenie rur (w przypadku bojlerów dwupłaszczowych należy użyć sztywnych połączeń).
  4. Rury są podłączane według indywidualnych schematów, zależnych od instalacji w domu.
  5. Puszczenie wody do obiegu.
  6. Podłączenie zasilania.

Is it worth buying an electric boiler?

Certainly, the electric boiler is safe to use.If its power and capacity have been properly selected for the needs of the family, then it will be an economical solution.Boyler prices are very different.The vertical versions are the most expensive, and you will pay the least for the boiler level with the coil - prices start from OK.PLN 600.

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