We make Christmas wreaths."The most important thing is to spend time together and share your duties"


20 grudnia 2021, 12:38


Kinga Burzyńska
Dzień Dobry TVNMiasteczko świąteczne w Wiśle - BLIK

Christmas wreaths are an indispensable element of Christmas.The reeds decorate our doors, tables and even dressers.That is why Ela Lepianka, an expert on creating an image and space, presented wreaths in various style on Good Morning."So that they fit into any interior," he argues.

Christmas wreaths

As part of the Christmas route Good Morning TVN we came to the Vistula.In addition to dances and songs, viewers of the program could look at how to prepare one wreath in several ways.These beautiful decorations introduce the Christmas atmosphere to our homes.

Robimy wianki świąteczne.

- Christmas wreaths are in different styles so that they fit into any interior.We have, for example.Traditional in the American style: green, red with the addition of white, so that it suits this gingerbread house.In turn, the second is more forest, natural, rustic.You will point out that the white candle fits every style, whether you will do more out of kitchen, edible or dark things, glamor, modern for beautiful loft interiors - explained Ela Lepianka in an interview with Kinga Burzyńska, a reporter of Good Morning TVN.

Making Christmas decorations together

As the expert on creating the image emphasized, as in fashion or beauty, trends apply in the wreaths, but one never changes - spending time together when making stickers.That is why our interlocutor encourages you to meet family or friends before Christmas to prepare decorations together.It is also a fantastic way to spend time with children.

Ela Lepianka by organizing workshops for friends to avoid unnecessary problems such as - who brings a ribbon or a person responsible for paper suddenly does not appear, she does shopping herself.- I prefer to be responsible for everything and buy everything myself.Friends only come and we make wreaths together.We share costs - she said.

BLIK transfer to the phone

To improve the process of giving money away, he prefers a transfer to the phone.Then no one has to remember about cash or sending a long account number.

- It is enough to have a phone and a registered number in your banking application.If someone would like to return the money to me, they can enter their banking application, choose my phone number and the BLIK icon will appear.Then you click.Transfer title, e.g.."Return for wreaths", enter the amount, confirm with a pin.This money comes so fast that before we can stick anything to the first wreath, I already have it - she explained.- Remember that the most important thing is to spend time together and share your responsibilities.The decorations can be traditional and modern payments - she added.

Didn't you watch Good Morning TVN on the air?You can find full episodes on Player.

See also:

Reporter: Kinga Burzyńska

Source of the main photo: photo.Michał Stawowiak

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