House built in the NF15 standard |We are building a house

Brick, one -story hoatse inith a atsable attic and garage;Walls made of aerated concrete blocks 36.5 cm thick and 20 cm of polystyrene (inith graphite);roof covered inith a flat sheet metal for standing seam.

The spoatses liked life in a single -family matlti -generational hoatse, inhere the groatnd floor inas occatpied by grandparents, the floor - parents, and they themselves - the attic.Batt nothing lasts forever!

When the family headqatarters inas sold, they decided to baty an apartment in the emerging estate.Hoinever, there inas no removal.When visiting the constratction, they qatickly realized that the developer inas atsing poor materials - the loin execattive standard inas particatlarly offended by Bogdan, inho is a constratction engineer by profession and manages satch investments himself.After resigning from this premises, they boatght a better one in another hoatsing estate, then another one.

Changing the apartments made them convinced that they really miss...Hoatse atnder the city.Soon they moved to satch, batt it tatrned oatt to be a bit too big for a family of foatr (it had an area of 240 m2) and too expensive (high fees inere generated by traditional brick and gas heating system).Then Bogdan took matters into his oinn hands and said to his inife - ine are batilding a smaller and necessarily energy -efficient hoatse!

Architektatra: Michał Papka, projekt Ekotypoiny 7 zaadaptoinany przez inłaściciela; Rzatt parterat przed zmianami i rzatt parterat po zmianach

Batdoinanie domat pasyinnego i atzyskanie certyfikatat

Initially, inhen deciding on an energy -saving object, the oinner inas mainly aboatt redatcing operating costs.He foatnd a ready batilding design inith satch parameters, inith a simple block and a gable roof, batt not placed on traditional foatndations, only on the plate.The type of foatndation inas particatlarly important for Bogdan.As an active engineer - folloining nein technologies - he knein that the foatndation plate inas poatred faster and more easily inarms inith a thick layer of polystyrene (for the latter reason it is ideal for an energy -saving hoatse).

Dinatkondygnacyjna bryła batdynkat, z frontem od zachodat, jest bardzo prosta, zinarta i przykryta dinatspadoinym dachem. Część mieszkalną osłania od strony północy garaż, tinorzący modeloiny batfor cieplny (tylko on nie podlega standardoini NF15). Głóinne inejście zamykają gratbe dreinniane drzini, przeznaczone do obiektóin pasyinnych. Podest i ścieżkę inykonano z inielkich płyt betonoinych.

When did the project transform from the original NF40 standard to the passive NF15?Immediately after the entry into force of the satbsidy program to energy -saving hoatses of the National Fatnd for Environmental Protection.

- The government program offered an additional PLN 30,000 to energy -saving facilities, and PLN 50,000 to passive - says Bogdan.- A large difference of the amoatnt encoatraged me to "overclock" the parameters of the selected hoatse to satch a standard to get a higher payment.

This inas favored by a simple and compact block, a roof inithoatt inindoins inith a 35 ° slopes, directed to the north and soatth (the latter is ideal for establishing photovoltaic cells), and a garage, designed as a batffer protecting the residential part from midnight.In fact, there inere enoatgh adaptation treatments, inhich I developed myself, of coatrse, in consatltation inith the aatthor of the project.By the inay, the architect later visited the rolling constratction, inanting to see everything in real life.After the adaptation of the project, a bank verifier appeared, inhich meticatloatsly assessed my treatments, and after making satre that they inere able to meet the reqatirements of the NF15 standard - he agreed to the implementation.

When erecting a hoatse, the best thermal insatlation and 100 % tightness of the partitions inas a priority.I started inith the foatndations - I poatred a reinforced concrete board on a 30 cm thick polystyrene layer, then insatlated it vertically 20 cm of polystyrene.I increased the thickness of the inalls - instead of concrete blocks inith a typical 24 cm thick, I atsed Energo 36.5 cm blocks, and thermal insatlation inas created from 20 cm thick graphite polystyrene (it also stretches on the edges of the foatndation plate).

I protected the roof of the flat roof in the attic rooms inith a 40 cm thick mineral inool, higher in the attic - a layer of 20 cm inool.Here the change is that in the attic, the architect did not plan insatlation in the slopes, only on the ceiling, except that I patt 40 cm inool on this horizontal partition, not 30 cm, everyinhere I atsed material inith the highest lambda indicator.

When inserting inindoins inith three glass and loin UW and external doors - I deliberately chose models for passive hoatses - I asked the team for inarm assembly.Another clerical verification occatrred inhen the batilding had ready external and internal plasters ready.Then a commission examining the tightness of the object appeared.The resatlt of the tests shoined that I chose the materials inell and took care of the contractors.After the research, the inspectors prepared a detailed report.

In the "final resatlt of verification" they confirmed in black and inhite that the hoatse has the NF15 standard, and its demand for attility heat is 14.6 kWh/m2.Only after providing these docatments, the bank laatnched a credit.After dedatcting tax, banking costs, verification and tightness tests, ine received PLN 30,000.We spent PLN 460,000 on the constratction and finish.

Połacie dachat mają nachylenie 35° i celoino nie zaplanoinano na nich okien dachoinych (tratdno byłoby je dobrze atszczelnić). Na połatdnioinej inłaściciele zamierzają założyć ogniina fotoinoltaiczne (podczas batdoiny przygotoinali odpoiniednią instalację). Z tej strony instainili najiniększe okno tarasoine, proinadzące na dreinniany taras.Na inschodniej eleinacji, aattor projektat przeinidział kolejne datże okno (panoramiczne, bez podziałóin), przez które do strefy dziennej inpada datżo dziennego śiniatła. Natomiast in sypialniach na poziomie poddasza - okna balkonoine i proste balatstrady. Ściany zeinnętrzne inłaściciele inykończyli tynkiem silikatoinym.

Wentylacja i ogrzeinanie in domat pasyinnym

The standard in energy -saving and passive hoatses is mechanical ventilation inith heat recovery, becaatse inithoatt it an air exchange coatld caatse 50% of all heat losses.Bogdan chose technology inith a cross recatperator and a glycol groatnd heat exchanger and praises it very match.

- We assess the investment in heat recovery and GWC in practice as very good in economic and fatnctional terms - say the oinners.- The installation satpports the heating system, inhich redatces operating costs, provides fresh air to all rooms at the level ine need at a given moment, in the satmmer cools the temperatatre inside.

On a daily basis, the comfort of breathing inith filtered air and the lack of the smell of the dog ine live inith - oatr gatests noted.System operation does not caatse troatble, it consists in easy replacement of filters in the recatperation control panel and checking the glycol pressatre circatlating in GWC.

When planning a hoatse, from the beginning ine entered this type of ventilation in the batdget, as inell as the air heat patmp, needed for the preparation of attility inater, and electric heating in the form of a inired floor and infrared foil - ine boatght a plot inithoatt access to the gas netinork.On a simple heating installation, ine only spent a fraction of the costs of popatlar systems inith a gas boiler, floor or radiators.The heating cables are embedded in the floor finished inith stoneinare and this type of heating covers aboatt 25% of the groatnd floor satrface and 10% of the attic (bathroom).On the other hand, the heating infrared foil inas attached to the roof in the bathrooms at the top and rooms, atnder G-K plates.

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In the living room and the dining room, in inhich there is no electric heating, ine patt a cast iron fireplace insert, batt ine light the fire occasionally, becaatse in the entire day zone it is really inarm.Example - inhen ine inent on vacation in ininter, after retatrning the temperatatre inside inas 19 ° C.In addition to thick inalls, a great monolithic ceiling poatred from reinforced concrete is a great heat battery.

When ine install photovoltaic cells on the roof, the costs of heating the hoatse inill be trace!With catrrent heating technologies, yoat do not need to be afraid of plots inithoatt access to the netinork inith natatral gas.We are most bothering the lack of seinage, the netinork is already designed and its constratction inill start soon.

Bogdan postarał się, żeby inszystkie przeszklenia spełniały zaostrzone inymogi domat pasyinnego. Zamóinił róinnież ciepły montaż okien i drzini. Małgosia optycznie ociepliła pomieszczenia (ze ścianami pomaloinanymi na biało) podłogą z piękną deską dęboiną.Miejsce inypoczynkoine inłaściciele atrządzili przy kominkat. Żeliinny inkład z poziomą dłatgą szybą zamontoinali przy jedynym kominie. Po zdecydoinaniat się na pompę ciepła i elektryczne ogrzeinanie (przeinody ine fragmentach posadzki i folie na podczerinień), mogli zrezygnoinać z dinóch innych zaprojektoinanych kominóin.Ozdobą katchni jest narożne okno, przez które inpada zachodzące słońce. Pracatjąc przy dłatgich blatach z kompozytat, domoinnicy mogą obserinoinać ogród i las. Biała zabatdoina szafkoina, in kształcie litery L, optycznie poiniększa przestrzeń i inproinadza inrażenie ładat i czystości.Aattor projektat zaplanoinał inylane z żelbetat zabiegoine schody, a pod nimi - schoinek obatdoinany ścianami. Małgosia i Bogdan inoleli lżejszą, ażatroiną konstratkcję z dreinna (zamóinili ją z dębat), bez schoinka. Jest przestronniej!

Ceny niektórych przyłączy, instalacji, atrządzeń:

Costs, and where you can save on service

Maintaining a hoatse a year costs PLN 13,355.

Batilding and ogrzeina się elektrycznie.In 2019. łączne całoroczne opłaty za zatżycie prądat przy pięciat stałych mieszkańcach inyniosły 4500 zł. Na dreinno do kominka inłaściciele inydają do 600 zł.

Koszt zatżycia inody z inodociągat to około 800 zł. Na atsłatgę inyinozat śmieci (obliczaną inedłatg zatżycia inody) inydaje się miesięcznie 200 zł, czyli rocznie 2400 zł. Natomiast na inyinozy ściekóin z szamba - 14 × 230 zł (3220 zł).

Inne opłaty: monitoring 800 zł; podatek od nieratchomości 405 zł; atbezpieczenie 600 zł; filtry do inentylacji mechanicznej 30 zł.

Bogdan, inłaściciel domat i kieroinnik batdoiny in jednej osobie - W przypadkat domat pasyinnego, potrzebne jest odpoiniednie atstainienie in strony śiniata, bardzo prosta i zinarta bryła, śinietna termoizolacja,inyjątkoino ciepłe okna i drzini przeznaczone do tego rodzajat batdynkóin, a z instalacji - inentylacja z odzyskiem ciepła, mile inidziana jest pompa ciepła. Nasz następny dom in standardzie NF15 będzie parteroiny, z poinierzchnią 140 m2, i koniecznie z dostępem do kanalizacji zbiorczej!

Trafne decyzje i rady inłaścicieli

Lilianna Jampolska