Minecraft boat "in real life".The fan built it for less than PLN 1,400

Wiadomośćgry19 lipca 2021, 12:19

autor: Gacek

The French YouTuber Fuze III decided to recreate the Minecraft boat in real life.After the work was completed, he had a cruise.


Minecraft fans are not known for today for their ingenuity.They usually surprise us with amazing constructions inside the game.This time it's different. Francuski YouTuber Fuze III zbudował z desek łódkę wzorowaną na tej z Minecrafta, a po zakończeniu budowy pływał w niej po niewielkim zbiorniku wodnym.The man tried to gain speed, but he did not quite succeed - he barely moved forward.We must admit with sadness that minecraft creations do not work well in real life.

The boat in the game is very easy to build and is a basic means of transport.To create it, the player only needs 5 boards, which are one of the easiest to get raw materials.Fuze III, in order to remain close to his inspiration, did not complicate his construction.He used primarily boards, screws and silicone for its construction.YouTuber has also prepared wooden oars, which, as you can see in the film, are not very handy.The boat stayed on the water, but she was very shaky.The creator in the commentary on Redditta admitted that she fell over once, as when looking at the structure, it should not be surprising. W innym wątku na tym portalu Fuze III stwierdził, że stworzenie łodzi kosztowało go około 300 euro, czyli niecałe 1400 zł.

If you are curious about the whole production process, you can see it here.The description is only available in French.

The whole structure does not look safe, so it's better not to try to repeat the feats Fuze III.However, the boat has already been created, now the question remains, what will be next?What other tools or minecraft buildings would you like to see in reality?