Light in rooms - which one to choose?

Czego dowiesz się z artykułu?

Lighting of the rooms has a great impact on our well -being - especially on long winter evenings.Properly selected also facilitates daily functioning and emphasizes the advantages of the interior.Can conventionally divide the space into zones.He can do a lot and should not be skipped when arranging the decor.

Electro -installation equipment and lighting should be planned at the stage of the house design so that the cables can be properly distributed.It is also worth taking care of the sufficient amount of daylight in the rooms, deciding on large glazing and placing the building in relation to the world.

Lighting arrangement is not a simple matter.The help of an interior architect or at least an experienced electrician is invaluable.And if we undertake this task ourselves, take into account the purpose of individual rooms, how to use them and style.Modern solutions give many possibilities, interesting ideas often come to mind themselves.

How to illuminate individual rooms?

In the daily part of the house, where we spend the most time, we meet with the family, we invite guests, do various activities and relax, we need both intense light (stimulating to act) and delicate (moody and conducive to relaxation).In addition to the upper binding, therefore, it will be useful:

W otwartych szafkach dla dekoracji możemy zamontować taśmy, listwy albo oprawy punktowe, wyposażone w źródła światła LED. (fot. GTV)

Jeśli lubimy czytać w łóżku, przydadzą się lampki przy wezgłowiu.It's best to put them on the wall, ok.75 cm above the mattress.The reading zone can also be illuminated with bedside lamps located at a distance of ok.50 cm from the edge of the bed.The most convenient will be those with adjustable height and shining direction.

Jeśli w sypialni jest toaletka - źródła światła (najlepiej o barwie naturalnego słonecznego) zaplanujmy po bokach lustra, tak by równomiernie oświetlały twarz.

Przy łóżku sprawdzają się kinkiety z regulacją kąta padania światła. (fot. Spotline)

Oświetlenie działające całą noc zapewni małemu podopiecznemu poczucie bezpieczeństwa.A colorful wall lamp can be installed on the wall by the cot, and put a bedside lamp on the cabinet.The light should be warm and not very intense.

W pokoju uczącego się dziecka niezbędna jest lampka biurkowa - najlepiej z ruchomą, metalową główką, ramieniem zginającym się w dwóch lub w trzech miejscach i możliwością regulacji intensywności światła.If the child writes with his right hand, the device should be set on the left side of the countertop.

Coraz więcej inwestorów dba również o oświetlenie wnętrza szaf.It is very useful in the case of spacious recesses.Thanks to him, the wardrobe also looks more exclusive.In this case, the LED strips and tapes and various furniture lamps are used - often lighting automatically after opening the wardrobe door, thanks to the motion sensor.It is best to think about such solutions when planning furniture.

Oświetlenie przy lustrze nad umywalką nie może się w nim odbijać ani rzucać cieni na twarz przeglądającej się osoby.It should rain evenly on her.Lamps mounted symmetrically on the sides or lighting on the edges of the mirror will work well in this role.

Jako oprawy górne w łazienkach często stosuje się spotlighty wpuszczane w sufit podwieszany.

Światło w pomieszczeniach - jakie wybrać?

W tym pomieszczeniu najistotniejsze jest oświetlenie blatu roboczego, bo pracując przy nim, zasłaniamy sobie lampę sufitową.Light points should be planned over all places where we perform activities - we unpack shopping, wash products, cut, cook, wash.The most functional is to place lamps or LED slats under hanging cabinets.

Oświetlenie montujmy tam, gdzie jest najbardziej potrzebne. Nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, by oryginalne lampy wiszące umieścić np. nad blatami roboczymi w kuchni. (fot. Jysk)

Ważną rolę odgrywa lampa wisząca nad stołem.She should illuminate the countertop well, without harassing people sitting by it.So it's best when the lampshade is 60-70 cm above the table.If the latter is long, it is worth planning two luminaires.Remember that installing such lamps means that the table will stand in a specific place - if we like rearranging, sometimes it is better to give them up.It is worth knowing that in a bright, warm light the food looks best.

W przeszklonych witrynach często instaluje się oświetlenie dekoracyjne, które wygląda ciekawie zwłaszcza w jadalni połączonej z salonem.

W jadalni najlepiej sprawdzają się lampy umieszczone 60-70 nad blatem - nie pod sufitem. (fot. Jysk)

Bearing in mind the safety of the household members, it is worth that they are clearly visible in the dark.Luminaires are recommended directly at the steps, not e.g..on a ceiling. Zadanie to najlepiej spełniają specjalne lampki schodowe montowane na ścianie wzdłuż biegu.Tapes and LED profiles are used to emphasize the contours of the degrees, while being an interesting decoration.

What to remember when designing lighting?

Interior lighting cannot be limited to a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling.Let's plan them at different points, where it is most needed.It should serve the household members.Let it also be an interior decoration and emphasize interesting details, e.g..paintings.

Let's not save on the number of luminaires, but remember that the light cannot tire your eyes or create unwanted shadows.In the interiors, three types can be distinguished - general, local and decorative, although the boundaries between them can be liquid.

Don't give up the upper light

Should be found in any room - even if it is rarely used.It provides even and soft lighting of the entire interior.We get them by mounting the upper lamp or e.g..Point luminaires in the suspended ceiling.Remember, however, that the general light is "flat", without expression and requires supplementing with wall or floor lamps, which allow you to get a pleasant dusk, conducive to watching television and social gatherings.

Oprawy górne z możliwością ukierunkowywania strumienia światła to praktyczne rozwiązanie. (fot. Spotlight)

Install work lighting

To be able to comfortably perform various precise activities, such as cooking, shaving or reading, it is necessary to illuminate specific zones inside the house.The kitchen is therefore placed light points above the worktop, in the bathroom on the sides of the sink mirror, while in the child's room or office - on the desk.

Zamiast lampy podłogowej możemy zastosować kinkiet z ruchomym ramieniem, przypominający lampkę biurkową. (fot. Jysk)

Plan decorative luminaires

Oświetleniem możemy kształtować przestrzeń, korygować optycznie proporcje pomieszczeń, zmieniać kolor obiektów, podkreślać ich fakturę, eksponować różne przedmioty (rzeźby, rośliny,paintings), budować nastrój.Let's play with light.

This is enabled to us by lamps on booms, Spotlight (headlights with adjustable angle of rays) and LED light sources - not causing excessive heating.Thanks to this technology, we have white and colorful light.LED strips and tapes are often placed in various recesses and suspended ceilings.In addition, many lamps are an ornament in itself - a designer model in a minimalist interior can be its main decoration.

Types and style of lamps

Currently, the offer of lighting fittings is really wide.In each large supermarket we will find both traditional and ultra -modern - for minimalist interiors.They are often made of stainless steel, aluminum or gray, porous concrete.If we want to give the interior coziness, choose products from natural materials - wood, sea grass, wicker.

Spacious rooms give the opportunity to display large lamps with long booms or those with massive metal shades, reminiscent of lamps from industrial plants.In smaller interiors, rather more modest luminaires work.They are often hidden in the building so that the emitted light comes to the fore.

The degree of transparency of shades is of great importance.Those that do not let the light pass - they focus and direct it.Openwork versions, e.g..wicker or stained glass made of different colored glass - they give an interesting visual effect.

Manufacturers offer different types of fittings (e.g..Wall lamps plus hanging and standing lamps) within individual stylistic lines, thanks to which we can buy a set.

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