Advent calendar KONIN OUR CITY with Christmas curiosities. Day twenty-first

Aleksandra Polewska-Wianecka
Add a comment:Share:Małgorzata Musierowicz - a writer loved not only by adolescent girls, but also by mature ladies - was my neighbor for a year. In 1998, just before Christmas, together with my friends from (...) and the fan-club of her work, with whom I rented an apartment in a tenement house at ul. Słowackiego 18 in Poznań), we knocked on her door. We had a package with us - attention! - twelve gingerbread apostles, which we baked according to her recipe.

The gingerbread clock conquers the heart of the future writer's chosen one

Mrs Małgorzata invited us to her beautiful apartment (the apartment of a married couple of artists could not probably be different) and she told us a very romantic story from her life. With Advent and gingerbread in the lead roles. When Mrs. Musierowicz, still Miss Barańczakówna (no accidental coincidence of surnames with Stanisław Barańczak, her brother) and a student of today's University of Arts in Poznań, found a recipe in one of the American magazines for how to make a gingerbread clock. Plus, Christmas was just around the corner. The future writer used cardboard as a construction. She baked the walls and the roof in her own kitchen, and the tiles – biscuits – she bought in the store. The clock had a sweet face, movable and edible hands, of course, and was decorated with colored icing, nuts, almonds and other delicacies. As Mrs Małgorzata claimed, his appearance was breathtaking. When everything was ready, our graphics student packed the gingerbread wonder into a box, wrapped it in green tissue paper and placed her beloved Bolek Musierowicz at the door. When the writer's fiancé opened the package and showed its contents to his father, he froze in shock. "A girl who does these things will make a great wife and mother!" he finally spoke to his son. - And he was not wrong! Ms. Musierowicz summed up the memories. Finally, she stressed that we should remember this story carefully and use it when the time comes.

The Twelve Gingerbread Apostles

After this small digression, I will return to the main plot. So to the twelve gingerbread apostles. For who, or rather - what - are they? So, firstly, gingerbread, of course, and secondly, a beautiful, very old borderland tradition related to Christmas. It was given to me by one of the friends with whom I knocked on the door of Małgorzata Musierowicz, whose father was the son of repatriates in Lviv. Well, according to the same Lviv tradition, when houses smelled of baked gingerbread before Christmas, twelve of them were picked out and packed into one box or bag. And such a package was given with Christmas wishes to a person who had done something good for us during the past year.

Konin advent calendar OUR CITY with Christmas curiosities kami Day twenty-first

Gratitude exercises

It didn't have to be anything spectacular, it was mostly the little things. Someone helped someone with something, someone borrowed money, someone supported in difficult times. This custom was and still is - because the tradition lives on to this day among families from Kresy - about gratitude. For exercises in giving thanks, appreciating and noticing the good that others do for us. And these twelve gingerbread cookies were called the twelve apostles. Of course, there can be any number of such packages with the twelve gingerbread apostles. You can give them to as many people as you want.

Recipe for the Twelve Gingerbread Apostles

When it comes to the recipe for these gratitude gingerbread cookies, there is no one. Everyone bakes them according to any recipe, cuts them with molds of any shape and decorates them freely. The only thing that matters is that there are twelve gingerbread cookies.





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