Research units - University of Opole

Anesthesiology and Intensive Clinic

Previous experience of members of the Anaesthesiology and Intensive Clinic Team (KAIIT) is based on the proposed author's clinical trials, implemented at the University Clinical Hospitalin Opole.Kaiit doctors were even active participantsin multicentral,international projects, implemented mainly under the auspices of the European Society of Intensivecare Medicine.

Current scientificinterests of the Kaiit team are focused on the following issues.

1.The use of assonantsin anesthesiology andintensive care,in particular for the purpose of the effectiveness and safety ofinvasive proceduresin critical.

2.Research on extracorporeal effectiveness of support and respiratory system function asintegral elements of a multi -specialist branch of therapy.

3.The development of continuous renal replacement techniques and the therapeutic exchange of plasma.

4.Critical states of critical states,including a study of kinetics of substanceshonal substancesin patients undergoing continuous renal exilation techniques.

5.Minimizing the damage to the central nervous systemin patients after a sudden cardiacincident.

6.Assessment of functional hemodynamic monitoringin various types.

Department of Biology and Genetics

Research on the Biology and Genetics Department concerns the role of telometers and telomerasein the assessment of risking selected civilization diseases andin theinduction of cell-cell senescence

Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures located at the ends of chromosomes made up of many copies of tandemly repeated DNA sequences and binding jespecific proteins.Reducing the number of repetitions is a natural process that causes cell aging.Cells with high proliferative potential will run with any replication cycle.Postmitotic cells are characterized by a different aging mechanism.

Most telomera biology studies focus on their length.However,in the case of post-imitative cells, it is important to preserve the correct telomera structure (Capped Structure).Shortening and dysfunction of telomeres and disorder of telomerase, replicating telomery enzyme, play a key rolein theincorpade.It has been shown that people with shorter leukocytary telometers are subject to a major generise of coronary artery disease regardless of other factors.There is also a clear relationship between hypertension with acritic telometers.Many studies also showed the presence of short leukocytary sheltersin patients with atherosclerosis.

General and vascular surgery clinic

General and vascular surgery clinic Uniwersytetu w Opolu jest uniwersyteckimośrodkiem chirurgii ogólnej i naczyniowej.There are over 1800 operations per yearin the clinic.A qualified team provides constant access to a wide spectrum of therapeutic proceduresin the field of vascular surgery of general their overall surgery.In the clinic, patients with abdominal and thoracic aneurysmia, patients with chronic limb ischemia, patients with cervical narrows, patients with other complex pathologacicariacs such as aortic dispersion or vascularinjuries are hospitalized and treated patients..Clinic is also diagnosed with diagnostics and surgical treatment of metabolic and metabolic diseases.Conducts scientific work and training, as well as grantingin this area.The clinic conducts teaching classesin surgery for students of the Faculty of Medicine.From 2018.A student scientific club operatesin the clinic.

Clinic of Internal Medicine and Nephrology

• Vascular access for hemodialysis.Developing your own original solutions that extend safely therapy with the use of tuneous vascular cathetersin large vessels of patientsin whom the correspondence and the condition of the vessels prevent the alternative vascular access.Innovative approaches to reduce the frequency ofinfectionsin the tunnel of the catheter and bacteria priests.

• Quality of dialysis-confrontation of patients' opinions with the assessment of the healing syndrome based on clinical-laboratoryindicator.

• immunopathology, clinic and therapy of primary and secondary glomerulonephritis.Individual modeling of glomerulonephritis.The role of kidney biopsyin diagnostics.

Clinical Department of Imaging Diagnostics

Main of research and scientificinterestsin the Clinical Department Diagnostici-Forest Clinic focuses on the issues of medical imaging of the systemic-vacation and the central nervous system.In addition,in the field ofinterest of the plant's employees, there are also issues related to diagnosticsin gastroeneterology, as well asin orthopedics and traumatology.

Jednostki badawcze - Uniwersytet Opolski

Poppanic diagnostics of imaging is available t with the MR apparatus and CT dual -maters, including technologically advanced, two -energy system, as well as diagnostic stations enabling secondary processing of images with the use of diagnosis support support.The plant is also equipped with X -ray and ultrasound and angiograph.

Department of Physiology

WAMACH units are conducted in cooperation with clinical units of clinical physiology and clinical sciences regarding,, assessment of physical fitness based on the analysis of maximum oxygen consumption in ergir-intermetric examinations in patients with system-vascular failure.The tests are used by high -class apparatus (exercise ECG, erygiriter), which is included in physiology.The unit is planned for research on the effects of stress associated with SARS-COV-2 coronavirus infection and a disease caused by functional functional.

Cardiology Clinic

KlinikaKardiologii ściśle współpracuje z Oddziałem Kardiologii USK, w którym wykonuje sięnieinwazyjną iinwazyjną diagnostykę i leczenie chorób układusercowo-naczyniowego, w tym dla pacjentów w stanach zagrożenia życia (ostrąniewydolnością serca, zagrażającymi życiu zaburzeniami rytmu i przewodzenia), wdrażanowe metody diagnostyki i leczenia chorób układu krążenia, prowadziprofilaktykę wtórną chorób serca.The USK Cardiology Department is also involved.

W zakresiedziałalności naukowej Cardiology Clinic prowadzi własne badania naukowe ikliniczne oraz współpracuje w tym zakresie zinnymi jednostkamibadawczo-naukowymi.He looks after students as part of the Cardios Student Scientific Circle.He is actively involved in the works of Polish and international scientific persons, and the clinic employees sit on the boards and the commission of the Pepolation Society of Cardiology, the Association of Intensive Therapy PTK, Acute Cardiovascular Care Association and Eurobservationalresearch Program (EORP) Advisory Committee European Association.

Cardiology Clinicspecjalizuje się w badaniach obserwacyjnych i analizach big-data w zakresieepidemiologii, rokowania i prewencji chorób sercowo-naczyniowych, badaniachoptymalizujących strategie diagnostyczne i lecznicze w kardiologiiinterwencyjnej i elektrofizjologii oraz w badaniach związanych z stratyfikacjąryzyka (biomarkery) w ostrych stanach kardiologicznych.

Scientific projects implemented at the Cardiology Clinic:

Pediatric Clinic

A team pediatric clinic of pediatrics specializes and conducted research in the extent in the extent of the field of updated, with particular emphasis on diabetology, allergology and developmental age and neonatology.Currently, the most scientific activities concern pediatric diabetology.From the beginning of 2019, the cliniculadiatrics belongs to the international diabetes network of Sweet (https: // www.Sweet-Projekt.ORG), which is an international platform for scientific international cooperation.

The directions of the team's work under diabetology mainly include epidemiology and issues related to multidisciplinary care over a person with diabetes.The allergology of the team's survey is devoted in particular to the victim and the role of the parameters of the coagulation system in diagnostics and treatment of disease. Natomiast w zakresie neonatologii prace badawcze skupiają sięna rozwoju nowych,instrumentalnych metod oceny bólu w populacji pediatrycznej.

The second voltage, implemented as part of the NCN grant (2018/29/B/ST8/01490), together with the victory of environmental and energy engineering, the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice and the Intensive Care Department of Children and Newborns of the UK in Opole, there is a heat exchange in the central nervous systemand determining the usefulness of measurable parameters of the exchange has been assessed to assess the severity.

In the field of developmental medicine, research is also conducted to assess the skeleton condition, using various densitometric techniques, in state -instance and pathology. Wiele z realizowanych obecnie projektów prowadzonychjest w ramach ścisłej współpracy zinnymi ośrodkami krajowymi jak izagranicznymi.

Family and Public Health Department (ZRM IZP)

Interest workers of ZMRZP focus on the indicators and health measures of the disease, especially in terms of loss of health due to diseases, risk injuries, analyzed by age, gender and in the distribution of during the time and space.Detailed research and statistical analyzes covering cardio-metabolic, cardiovascular diseases and factors of their risk like dyslipidemia, hyprcholesterolemia, hypertension, overweight and obesity, diabetes, smoking, ischemous heart disease, heart attack, heart attack, ischemous and hemorrhagic syndrome, metabolical syndrome..The area of clinical psychology is a separate zone of scientific interest.Employees are cooperating with the most important centers monitoring indications and diseases in the world, such as GDB, LBD, IHME, NCD-RISC, MMM, Ilep.

Global Burden of Disease (GBD) / Local Burden of Disease (LBD) / Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) - University of Washington (USA). GBD / LBD / IHME - profesjonalna, naukowa siećkrajowych współpracowników i ekspertów z ponad 200 krajów na świecie zespecjalizacjami w różnych obszarach tematycznych, funkcjonująca w celuprzeprowadzania globalnego, regionalnego, lokalnego, krajowego badania chorób,urazów, czynników ryzyka chorób wskaźników oraz mierników zdrowia i choroby.Analizy i publikacje GBD / LBD / IHME są systematycznym, naukowym wysiłkiemmającym na celu oszacowanie porównawczej skali utraty zdrowia spowodowanejchorobami, urazami i czynnikami ryzyka według wieku, płci i położeniageograficznego dla określonych punktów w czasie i stanowią największeinajbardziej wszechstronne analizy do pomiaru poziomów epidemiologicznych itrendów na całym świecie.Analyzes and publications of GBD / LBD / IHME play a role in both data analysis as well as the implementation of health and politics and related projects in the local, regional, national or international dimension in the world in the world.Analyzes and publications of GBD / LBD / IHMEWs are significantly affected by scientific, political and even general public in countries in countries with high, medium and low income.

NCDRisk Factor Collaboration (NCD -RISC) - Imperial College London (UK).NCD-RISC is a professional, scientific network of national people and experts with specializations in various global health areas, which developed and current data on risk factors (NCD) for over 200 countries and territories in the world.The Group works closely at the World Health Organization (WHO), through WHO Collaboration Center on Ncdsurveillance and Epidemiology at Imperial College London.NCD-RISC of gathering quality population data using advanced methods, designed specifically for analysis of risk factors NCD.Cooperation currently includes data from over 2545 population research from 193 countries from 1957, respectively with the participation of almost 129 million participants, in whom the levels of risk factors were defined and measured.

MayMeasurement Month (MMM) Global Project / International Society of Hypertension(ISH) - Imperial College London(UK).MMM is a professional, scientific network of national leaders, colleagues and experts involved in hypertension in the dimension, regional, local and domestic, which conducts annual hypertension and hypertension in the field of hypertension and co -existing diseases (mmm17, mmm18, mmm19) and develops accurate and current map -writing maps., control and treatment of hypertension for over 100 centers.

InternationalLipid Expert Panel Project (Ilep).The main goal of the IPE is to present current recommendations of experts of the world on the most debatable issues in the scope -diagnosis and therapy of lipid disorders, which have not yet been covered by binding guidelines.

Pathology Department

The Pathology Department was founded in 2018.The plant includes employee and teaching staff dealing in the performance of histopathological, cytological, histochemical and immunohistochemical research, both human and animal..

A team's team conducts research in angiogenesis in disease and the use of morphological prognostic factors of gastrointestinal wings, head and neck and lungs.