China use AI for persecution of Uvers."It's like a lie detector, but more advanced"

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According to international public opinion, referring to UN reports, Sinciang is one great concentration camp.U: U:.The former prisoners of these camps report that during their stay they were forced to renounce their faith, sing the songs of the communist part, eating pork and drinking alcohol.Other reports suggest that some "ideologically sick" are tortured and killed.

This week, the BBC editors reached an anonymous informant working for the Chinese government in Sinciang Province.According to his account of U: they are under surveillance not only on the streets.Every step is followed by hundreds of cameras also directed to private homes.

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Emotion detector

The informant said that he took part in installing software with artificial intelligence, whose task is to recognize emotions.The man showed journalists photos of five Uighurs, where the emotional recognition tests were carried out at the Police States.- The Chinese government uses Utgur as objects of experiments, just like rats in laboratories.We placed an emotion detector three meters from the examined.The device is similar to the lie detector, but its technology is much more advanced - explains the guide.

Wykres kołowy. Dane z systemu mają wskazywać stan umysłu osoby. Kolor czerwony sugeruje negatywny lub niespokojny stan umysłu. Fot: BBC

The software works in such a way that it detects and analyzes changes in the expression of the face every few minutes, examining skin pores.The software creates a circular chart in which the red segment represents a negative or restless state of mind.The system is to be intended for "initial assessment" of emotions.

The BBC applied to the China Embassy in London with a request for comment.Diplomats did not confirm media reports, while stipulating that human rights in the country are respected.

Shocking human rights violation

Human rights activists are of a different opinion, of course.Camera recordings were shown Sophie Richardson from Human Rights Watch in China, who said that the shared material was shocking.- It's not just that people are reduced to a circular chart.Utgurów are under great pressure, it is normal that they are nervous.If the emotion detection system is to assess the guilt for the crime committed, this is a deeply problematic idea - says Richardson.

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According to various estimates, there are more than half of almost 800 million monitoring cameras in the world in China.For example, in Chongqing, artificial intelligence is built into the entire monitoring system in the city.Hu liu, a journalist from this cities claims that even when ordering a taxi you have to reckon with the fact that the government will get information on this topic.- The taxi company is obliged to provide information to state institutions.Liu says.

And he adds: "Thanks to artificial intelligence, we have nowhere to hide".(BS)