»19 advice on how to defend against watching through the police and service, because of the surveillance act entering into force today -Tęzczesnik.pl ---

Today, thanks to the signature of President Andrzej Duda, a controversial amendment to the Police Act, called the surveillance act, entered into force.In this article, we describe how services can under surveillance and what we can do to maintain privacy and confidentiality of communication, not only on the Internet.

Surveillance act

Although in terms of technical protection against surveillance, political issues do not matter, from the chronicle obligation, let us recall the genesis of this Act.Its original version was created by the PO-PSL coalition.The act contained controversial provisions but MPs did not manage to vote before the election.When PiS came to power, he improved the act of the previous government, but not for the better ... and without looking at many votes of opposition (M.in.Ombudsman, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, the Supreme Bar Council, the Sejm Analysis Office, GIODO and the National Chamber of Legal Advisers), the Act was adopted.As long as the government (current or future) does not change, each of us can be under surveillance on the Internet and - under the Act - will never find out ...

The case with the law is not easy.On the one hand, the services must be able to efficiently use operational control, also on the Internet, to "catch criminals" and take care of our safety - on the other, the implementation of universal, mass surveillance and only apparent (because subsequent) control over the controlling the controlling raises justified fears ofPossible abuse.

Of course, we do not doubt that among the employees of Polish services and police there are people with a strong moral spine who would never consciously violate the privacy of innocent people - but we also know that these people have their superiors, often from political granting, which can leadfor various unhealthy (and low -ethical) situations.Therefore, when blowing on the cold, we present a collection of several tips that are aimed at protecting your privacy on the web.

Of course, among our readers there will be both those who think that there is nothing to fear, as well as those to paranoid exaggeration who sleep with an aluminum cap on their heads.Most probably - according to Gaussia - they are a bit afraid, but not quite and would like to protect herself a bit, but maybe not at the expense of loss of comfort ...

Let us emphasize, therefore, that following the following advice will allow you to protect your privacy not only in the context of Polish services, but in general surveillance on the Internet conducted by any entity (including foreign services), and will also help in limiting damage resulting from other life situations,like for example.theft of equipment or actions of a malicious colleague at work or a "hacker"-a gesturer at a public hotspot in a restaurant.

» 19 rad jak się bronić przed podglądaniem przez policję i służby, z racji wchodzącej dziś w życie ustawy inwigilacyjnej -- Niebezpiecznik.pl --

How to defend yourself against surveillance?

The topic of surveillance is raised in danger regularly, because it is not that it is only from today that the services can under surveillance - now they will simply be able to work easier and on a larger scale.Our individual articles tagged as "privacy" and "surveillance" or "service" are hundreds of materials containing extensive descriptions of both surveillance methods and methods of protection against it.However, we missed one entry, a kind of "cheat sheet".Therefore, below we limit ourselves to the list of recommendations, enriched with short descriptions "why worth" and an additional bibliography.This article does not contain specific instructions (e.g..Torah configuration or a set of commands to stick to put a VPN tunnel on the router) for a given operating system - if you are not able to adjust the configuration of the suggested software for your needs, then most likely you have no chance in contact with services ...

The recommendations have been ordered from the most important and in this order we suggest implementing them to life.For transparency, we use the word "service", but not only the police or 3-liter agencies can be under surveillance.Of course, you do not have to follow every advice (and probably not everyone will be suitable for you), but above each of them at least for a while.


Before we get to technical recommendations, let's start with 5 general rules:

How to avoid surveillance on the Internet?

The brutal truth is that the best technical recommendation for people who are afraid of surveillance in today's world will be to completely stop using the Internet and telephone, will remain in your shelter and, just in case, put on a hat from aluminum foil on the head ... However, if you read this article, then probablyThis type of solution is not an option.Therefore, below we present a collection of several tips that minimize (and not eliminate!) The risk of surveillance.

  • 4. zabezpiecz swoją sieć domową i urządzenia. Ponieważ z tego punktu mógłby powstać osobny artykuł (i w zasadzie powstał — por. 10 porad podnoszących bezpieczeństwo Twojego komputera), ograniczymy się tu do najważniejszych rad chroniących głównie przed inwigilacją:
  • How to avoid surveillance in "Real"?

    Do you leave the computer and go to a meeting?Today, the services do not need a black van to follow you.Their biggest friend is currently your smartphone ...

    Therefore, if you want to have a meeting, which no one (except meeting) is not to know, follow the advice below:

    Jeśli chcesz poczytać o tym z jak można podsłuchać i przejąć kontrolę nad smartphonem, polecamy artykuł pt. 3 sposoby na podsłuch telefonu.

    Finally, we ask you to realize that the article does not exhaust all the possibilities of surveillance on the Internet (and the real world), and according to art, each implemented security should be adapted to your infrastructure and environment as well as the user's knowledge of the user.

    Jeśli jesteś managerem lub członkiem zarządu i chcesz się upewnić, że poufne spotkania firmowe oraz negocjacje z kontrahentami, które odbywasz są rzeczywiście zabezpieczone przed podsłuchaniem przez innych — zapraszamy do kontaktu. Sprawdzimy, czy do Twojej firmy nie da się włamać z zewnątrz oraz jak na ataki komputerowe odporni są Twoi pracownicy. Doradzimy też jak bezpiecznie komunikować się wewnątrz firmy i z kontrahentami, nie tracąc na sprawności działania. W większości przypadków, znaczne podniesienie bezpieczeństwa firmowej sieci można osiągnąć bez inwestycji dodatkowych pieniędzy w infrastrukturę, a jedynie poprzez odpowiednią rekonfigurację już wykorzystywanych urządzeń i oprogramowania.

    PS.Have you found out something new from this article?This is encouraged to share this article with friends and supplementing advice in the comments.Remember that their ignorance can be a nail for your privacy on the web :)

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