This graphics partly explains what happened in Bialystok.The key is in our economy

After the riots that broke out during the LGBT environment parade in Bialystok, there are more than commentators.Hardly anyone has the courage to defend nationalists, although I have already read that the attack was an expression of opposition not to the participants, but of the rainbow ideology.If someone thinks that he will achieve this goal by beating women and children, his business.It is difficult to argue at this level.

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The other side is a much richer source.A lot of unproductive talk about darkness, Catholic hypocrisy.There is also a helpless surprise that a man (and a nationalist!) Can treat another person in this way (his countryman!) And in principle, without a deeper reason.There are calls for more intensive education of society.

However, I would suggest a slightly different approach.And it involves analyzing these behaviors through the prism of the economic situation.And it's not that there is some unique poverty in Bialystok compared to the rest of the country.Although if we look at Podlasie, it really turns out that this is one of the poorest voivodships in Poland - the average salary is a little over 80 percent.national average.It is rather about Poland as such.

Białystok with a bastion of parochialism?It's too simple

Yes, in Warsaw, LGBT demonstrations are going year after year and such drastic scenes have not been done for some time.But it is not that the other Polish cities are free of homophobe.Antigish graphics on the walls or opposition to the display of rainbow flags are everyday life of many of them.Also in those located on the "civilized" west.

Ta grafika częściowo tłumaczy, co się stało w Białymstoku. Klucz tkwi w naszej gospodarce

The problem is that intolerance to the LGBT environment is much better than a lack of education or geographical divisions explains the condition of our wallets.And this one is still quite modest, especially compared to the Scandinavian countries, to which we love to compare ourselves.

This, however, raises serious implications.Most Western countries, with the increase in wealth, jumped from materialism, which is characterized by concentration on the accumulation of goods, respect for tradition, religion and hierarchy to postmaterialism, in which emphasis is placed on expressing themselves and freedom of beliefs.

According to the author of this theory, Ronald Inglehart, this change was already in the 70s.last century.And since then her effects have remained, because according to the American professor, once acquired values do not change with age.When we become properly rich, further earning does not increase our welfare.We are looking for more.

We can find out about how this theory relates to the approach to LGBT in the graphic below prepared by the Civic Development Forum.Of course, we have exceptions to the rule, but it can be seen clearly - the higher the GDP per person, the greater acceptance for gays and lesbians.

Poland in average

We are neither particularly more liberal nor overly critical of LGBT than that would result from the level of economic development of our country.

Assuming that the growth of our wealth would entail a level of tolerance, achieving the material level of the Netherlands or Sweden, we would become as liberal society as both of these bastions of human rights.Interesting, right?

These postmaterialist values can be (and even needed) to be treated much more widely.Let's look at the difference in approach to climate change.In Sweden or Germany, the activist Greta Thunberg looks with admiration.On the Vistula River, Meanwhile, the buckets are pouring on her follower.

The mere fact that it has appeared already indicates a certain change and transformation of the value.It is the same with the approach to LGBT.Still in 2002.15 percent declared support for partnerships for gays and lesbians.Poles (CBOS survey).In 2019, the percentage increased to 56 percent.At the same time, GDP per capita went up almost 4 times.Interesting correlation.

Because, as Karol Marx used to say, "being defines consciousness".Ito, in improving living conditions.