Rust - Guide and best tips •

Welcome to the Rust Guide.It is a production valued by survival fans in which we fight for survival in the modern world.We start with nothing, and then we build impressive bases and fight with the use of firearms.

An important aspect of the game is to create objects, but also proper resource management.Here we answer all possible questions related not only to the beginning of the adventure, but also with later stages.

It is worth emphasizing that Rust gains when we play with friends.Clans of many users often dominate the servers.If we want to invest time in PVP (fights between players), it will be hard to deal with.


Tips to start

Below you will find a description of the most important aspects of the game that may raise doubts at the very beginning of the adventure in Rust.We answer various questions related to the gameplay mechanics.

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Building and crafting

Here we answer questions about the issue of creating objects and construction of buildings, i.e. quite important elements of Rust that will allow you to survive longer.

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Interface and markings

The arrangement of interface components will immediately seem a familiar to everyone who played various survival games.Below are the most important markings and icons of help on the screen.

  1. Bieżący cel. Cele (zadania) wyznacza ci na początku przygody gra, by naprowadzić cię na konkretne elementy rozgrywki i pomóc naturalnie się rozwijać.
  2. Radar. Pomoże znaleźć drogę do bazy. Jeśli oznaczysz sobie na mapie dowolne miejsce prawym przyciskiem myszy, na radarze będzie ono stale oznaczone żółtą ikonką.
  3. Czat. Można go wyłączyć, lecz czasem można dostrzec tam przydatne ostrzeżenia graczy - na przykład przez grasującym, niebezpiecznym gangiem, którego lepiej unikać.
  4. Pasek twoich narzędzi i przedmiotów. Niebieskim kolorem oznaczony jest aktualnie trzymany przedmiot, a cienkie, zielone, pionowe paski przy ikonach przedmiotów oznaczają ich stan zużycia.
  5. Paski stanu twoich statysty, od góry: punkty zdrowia (zielone), poziom napojenia (niebieski) i poziom najedzenia (pomarańczowy).

The most important tips

- Collect wood.At the beginning of the adventure, you need to make sure you have a lot of wood supply.Therefore, it is worth breaking the first camp near many trees that you can cut.

- don't collect too much.On the other hand, it is worth remembering to carry more or less as many raw materials as you will need to perform specific items.It is a pity to lose many resources in the case of unexpected death.

Rust - poradnik i najlepsze porady •

- carefully build the first base.Once you collect resources for the construction of the first cottage, remember that it would be best if it was not visible from the road or other bases belonging to strangers.

- Avoid using light at night.After dark, fire inflammation or walking with a torch can be dangerous.Some players are just lurking on such careless survivalists to hunt them.

- Build a double door.Behind the door to your base, always try to add an annex with another door.This protection just in case when you run away from someone and you won't be able to close the door behind you.Then the enemy will not get to your cache anyway.

- don't go too far, at least at the beginning of the game.Focus on a very accurate search of the nearest area of your base or first bonfire.

- Play with friends.If you can, try to find friends playing in Rust.The fun together is much more pleasant and less stressful.