Resident Evil Village - puzzle: Beneviento's house - mannequin, code, music box, projector, door with symbols

In Resident Evil Village, while traveling through Beneviento's house and reaching the basement, you have to solve a few puzzles. All the puzzles in this location are described on this page:

Go to the mannequin lying on the table. Examine the left arm thoroughly (1) to get the Silver Key from it

Pull off the wedding ring on the right hand (2).

On the right leg (3), take the Winding Key.

Then go to the next room, the laboratory that you will open with the Silver Key. Then, turn on the tap (4) and wash the wedding ring with the date: 05 29 11 - this is the code.

The code will be used to open the door (5) opposite the mannequin.

Enter the corridor and go to the room with the white door that will open when you approach them. Inside you will find a music box (6).

You have to arrange the individual parts of the music box in a proper way to create a uniform pattern (7) - as shown in the picture above. After playing the correct melody, the drawer will open - take the tongs from it.

Go back to the dummy and take the film out of the mouth (8) with the tongs obtained.

Now go to the office next to the elevator. Place the captured film on the stand next to the projector and arrange the correct order of the film - as in the image above. Then start your movie on the projector.

After the projection is finished, the bookcase will move. Enter the narrow corridor. Take the scissors (9) and use them to cut the cloth strips (10).

Resident Evil Village - zagadka: dom Beneviento - manekin, kod, pozytywka, projektor, drzwi z symbolami

Go to the next corridor. Pick up the phone when it rings. Then open the white door that leads to the laboratory.

Go to the mannequin and cut the clothes (11) with scissors. Underneath it, you will find a stash with a Brass Medallion.

Approach the door with three symbols (12) at the end of the short corridor. Place the Brass Locket in the recess and align the other two symbols as in the image above. For the sake of clarity: the solution to this puzzle is in the left arm of the dummy (the sign with three dots) and in the dummy's eye (bird).

When the door opens, walk down the dark corridor to the well. Go down the ladder, where you will find the Breaker Box Key, which is used to open the technical box next to the elevator that you need to reach now.

Go towards the elevator. In the corridor, you will be attacked by a slimy monster, so turn back and enter the laboratory. Use the second door to go to the corridor, reach the office and then go to the elevator with a chest next to it (13).

Open it with the Breaker Box Key and take Relief of a Child. Go to the laboratory through the main corridor (you won't find a slimy monster there now) and go through the white door to the corridor. You will reach a door with a bas-relief (14). Place the Relief of a Child in it.

You will reach the second part of the apartment in the basement. Go through the hallway, then through the kitchen, and you will reach the bedroom. There, on the wall, you will find a fuse (15). Take it away - this will cause you to turn off the electricity. Get out of the bedroom.

Unfortunately, when you leave the kitchen and into the corridor, a slimy monster will appear. So go back to the bedroom and get under the bed (16) to hide. When you hear that the mascara passed by the bed, go out the other side and quickly run towards the elevator.

Put the fuse in the box and it will restore the electricity in the elevator. You can now go back to the ground floor of the house.

The rest of the journey around Beneviento's house is described on the website: Resident Evil Village - Beneviento's house.

Contents: Resident Evil Village - Guide, Walkthrough

Previously: Puzzle: castle, Atelier (level 2F), five bells