»PLN 60,000 has been made on a bad account, but the prosecutor's office refuses to initiate proceedings -DZAKHIEK.PL ---

An interesting situation happened in Gdynia.The cooperative employee entered in the Alior Bank interface to generate individual accounts bad (unquestioned cooperative) identification number on the basis of which incorrect account numbers for customers were generated.So they paid the rent, but the money went to "bad" accounts.Alior does not want to say on whose (he is covered by a banking secret, for which he has the right to), and the prosecutor's office, which may release the bank from banking secrecy, does not want to initiate proceedings ...

To make it happier, transfers were clearly described - but the bank is not obliged to verify the data of the recipient's account declared with the actual.Maybe it's time to change it?If not - why at all a field with a description of the name of the transfer recipient?

» 60 000 PLN trafiło na złe konto, ale prokuratura odmawia wszczęcia postępowania -- Niebezpiecznik.pl --

Anyone know what the 'individual accounts' generating module looks like and exactly?Doesn't really verify the ID?

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