Payment ... by hand?Subcutaneous chips and more popular

Czipy zyskują na popularności w&nbspmiarę dążenia do jeszcze większej wygody i&nbspjeszcze większego bezpieczeństwa.They allow you to have everything in your hand. I&nbspto dosłownie, bo to właśnie w&nbspdłoń najczęściej są wszczepiane.

Najnowocześniejsze czipy umożliwiają dokonywanie płatności, otwieranie drzwi, a&nbspnawet kodowanie biletów miejskich.Although the possibilities are surprising, this is just the beginning. W&nbspmiarę postępu technologii, czipy będą potrafiły jeszcze więcej.They can already be, for example, a carrier of personal data.

How can this be useful?When an accident occurs, police or medical services will be able to read all the necessary information, including, for example, blood type.

Companies chip employees

The first chip was implanted in 1998 by Kevin Warwick, dean of the Faculty of Cybernetics of the University of Reading, England.The micronadate that he placed under the skin was recognized by the laboratory computer network.Chips gained extraordinary popularity in Sweden.They started their careers there in 2015.Three years later they had 4,000 under the skin.Swedes.Companies also decide to chip.

One of the American enterprises based in Wisconsin in 2017 implanted chips for more than 40 employees so that they could open the door without keys, cards or key rings.The popularity of such solutions is constantly growing.Especially in the face of Pandemia, when any contact with objects can be a source of infection.

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The Pole chip Europe

Potencjał w&nbspczipowaniu widzi Wojciech Paprota, właściciel Walletmor, firmy, która dostarcza implanty płatnicze.Thanks to the WalletMor solutions, you don't need a card to make payments, a hand is enough.

- Currently, payment forms are considered to be very secure on the market, e.g..Confirmation of payment using a fingerprint or a face scan.The payment implant is safer because it cannot be hated, copied to another medium, photographed, steal or lost, but also convenient, because it becomes part of our body, so we do not have to remember to take an additional object with us - he explains.

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The implant consists of a chip, antenna and a biologically safe housing.How is it placed under the skin?

- Theoretically, you can implant it yourself, using the set attached to the implant.However, due to the preservation of appropriate sanitary standards, and also because during the installation there is interference with skin tissue, its installation at medical points, aesthetic medicine clinics and body modification studies recommended by us - says Wojciech Paprota.

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The procedure itself, he claims, takes about 15 minutes.

- a minimal cut of the skin is required to implant, which is recommended to use local anesthesia.The implant works immediately after implantation, and the healing of the wound after a small incision usually lasts up to 4 weeks - explains Wojciech Paprota.

In Poland, the Walletmor implant already has several dozen people.The inhabitants of Germany, Great Britain and Scandinavia show much more interest.

- We are a startup that has just been called by its product.For now, we are very popular with individual clients and we have not even started talking to banks, card publishers or other companies operating in the fintech industry.Of course, we are very open to all proposals and opportunities for cooperation in the use of the technology we developed, not only in the sphere of payment - he says.

Will we pay with your hand?

Dr. Maciej Kawecki, dean of the University of Banking in Warsaw and the president of the Lema Institute, notes that chips are a technology that brings many opportunities and threats.

- First of all, such chips cannot be used to verify identity when accessing high value goods.Visions of cut off limbs to steal biometric data, known today mainly from movies, can become a real threat.This type of chip can not be mentioned too often, because it requires surgical interference - he says.

The expert notes that chips should have different functions in the future than even a smartwatch.

- these may be, for example, measuring blood pressure or other body parameters.Creating such solutions is today one of the areas supporting the general current of cyborgization of our lives.Already in 1955 Stanisław Lem in his short book "Does the Lord exist, Mr Johns" raised the topic of transhumanism, which was the song of the future then.Today, this song sounds very clear - says Dr. Maciej Kawecki.

Na niebezpieczeństwa zwraca też uwagę Przemysław Jaroszewski z&nbspCSIRT NASK, kierownik zespołu CERT Polska.

- chip is just a hardware solution - a microcomputer that performs simple cryptographic operations to authenticate e.g..payment operation, i.e. confirm that it is made by an authorized person who has the appropriate amount of funds.Depending on the specific hardware implementation and software, this may be implemented in a safe or not.Currently, dangerous "weak points" in the solutions used in payments are not known.In the past there were cases when it was withdrawn, for example.The entire circulation of ID cards with a chip, because such a weakness was detected - says the expert.

Czy w&nbspprzyszłości płatność ręką ma szansę się upowszechnić?

- Choć biometria stanowi jeden z&nbspkluczowych obszarów dla zabezpieczania płatności, Visa nie współpracowała z&nbspżadnymi partnerami i&nbspnie dochodziły do nas sygnały o&nbsptym, aby implanty miały być dynamicznie rozwijającym się segmentem płatności -&nbspprzekazują przedstawiciele biura prasowego Visa. Visa skupia się na zagwarantowaniu, aby każde urządzenie podłączone do internetu, część garderoby lub akcesorium mogło w&nbspsposób bezpieczny służyć do płacenia.

- Z&nbspperspektywy Visa sposób płatności czy jej nośnik nie ma znaczenia, o&nbspile spełnia określone standardy. Mamy świadomość, że konsumenci coraz częściej oczekują bezpiecznych, prostych i&nbspwygodnych doświadczeń zakupowych w&nbspcodziennym życiu. Dlatego oferujemy ekosystemowi płatniczemu -&nbspinstytucjom finansowym, sprzedawcom, firmom technologicznym -&nbspodpowiednie narzędzia i&nbspusługi -&nbspsłyszymy.

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