Nowy Dwór Gdański.The schedule of large -size waste and electro -waste waste.Promo art announcement premium cameras live rated

Belly -size waste is waste of large or unusual sizes, i.e..Furniture, carpets, prams, mattresses, pieces, bicycles, large toys, etc..Used electronic and electrical equipment is refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, irons, toasters, computers, laptops, mobile phones, radio receivers, television receivers, drills and all other devices powered by electricity.

All kinds of construction and sanitary parts, i.e..Wooden boards, beams, panels, window frames, doors, fences, bathtubs, sinks, toilet shells or cisaches, radiators, tiles, blinds as well as car parts (including tires), mopeds, combustion mower, renovation waste, garden waste, bagsfor garbage or cartons with household waste and all packaging after chemicals.

Schedule of large -size waste and electro -waste waste from the city and commune of Nowy Dwór Gdański.

Nowy Dwór Gdański. Harmonogram wywozu odpadów wielkogabarytowych i elektroodpadów. PROMO ART ogłoszenia premium Kamery Pogodowe LIVE Oceniane

Sector I: Rakowe Pole, Różewo, Kmiecin, Ryki, Rychnowo Żuławskie, Myszewko, Myszkowo

Sector II: Gypsy, Gypsy, Orłowo, Orłówko Osada, Żelichowo

Sector III: Wężowiec, Kępiny Małe, Kępki, News, Stobna

Sector IV: Marynowy, Tuja, Stawiec, Lubieszewo, Lubieszewo First, Lubiszynek

Sector V: Gozdawa, Gozdawa Osada, Piotrowo, Starocin, Powalina

Sector VI: Jazowa, Jazowa Second, Wierciny, Rakowo, Rakowiska

Sector VII: Marzęcino, Osłonka, Orliniec, Solnica

Information: Nowy Dwór Gdański commune