Mamed Ch.with serious accusations.The legendary MMA player among the accused - News -

The proceedings in this case were conducted by the Silesian Department of the Department of Organized Crime and Corruption of the National Prosecutor's Office in Katowice.As reported on Wednesday, the press department of the National Prosecutor's Office, in mid -July, an indictment was sent to the court in Tarnowskie Góry against 17 people who were accused of committing 140 acts.Among the accused is the MMA Mamed CH.

Mamed Ch. nie będzie aresztowany. Sąd nie uwzględnił wniosku prokuratury

"The prosecutor accused the accused of, among others, the circuit of falsification of euro banknotes in Slovakia and cars, including luxury, derived from prohibited acts committed outside Poland," the National Prosecutor's Office said.The accused will also be tried for fraud, appropriation of property, falsification of documents and submitting false testimonies

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MMA player among the accused

41-year-old Mamed Ch.He was detained for this case in June 2019.The prosecutor's office applied for arrest for the athlete, but the court did not comply with this application.The MMA player will be responsible for fencing, urging to destroy property, violating the bodily integrity of police officers and having weapons without permission.According to information provided by PK, the acts accused of the accused are punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

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Mamed Ch. z poważnymi zarzutami. Legendarny zawodnik MMA wśród oskarżonych - Wiadomości -

The proceedings were initiated in Slovakia

The proceedings were originally initiated in the Slovak Republic in June 2017, and was supervised by the Poviat Prosecutor in Czadca.In December 2017, the investigation was also initiated by the Polish prosecutor's office and took over the prosecution of the criminal citizen of Miłosz P., detained on remand for the detriment of Slovakia citizens.In March 2018, the case was taken over by Silesia PK.

A total of 24 people heard the allegations

In the course of the investigation, it was established that the main suspect was Jakub Ś., In whose car and place of residence during the search, a significant amount of false money was revealed."In addition to the introduction of counterfeit banknotes of the euro, he also dealt with intermediation in trade in cars from theft and appropriation crimes, committed, among others, in the Czech Republic. The buyers of the vehicles were people from the whole country," PK said.Law enforcement authorities recovered 8 stolen cars, whose value was determined at approx. PLN 1.2 million.

In total, in connection with this case, the allegations were presented to 24 people, some of whom confessed to committing the deeds dropped to them and applied with applications for sentences without conducting the hearing.
