Łódź.The masked attacker entered the exchange office and opened the fire.He fired two shots!


The police, with the support of police counter-terrorists, detained a 54-year-old and his 43-year-old companion in connection with the assault with a weapon on the exchange office in the Łódź Górna district.Men are punishable by up to 15 years in prison.They both were arrested.

The incident occurred on December 8, 2021 around 1pm.00.A masked man entered one of the currency exchange points in the Łódź-Górna district.After locking the door in an open position, he took out the gun.Then he fired at the glass separating the cantor employee from clients.The bullet did not pierce the bulletproof glass.Because the point employee turned on the paroxysmal alarm and did not want to spend money, the attacker tried to shoot the lock in the door to her room.When this attempt was unsuccessful, the perpetrator hid the weapon and quickly left the store."Policemen called to the place of crime, carried out a thorough inspection and secured forensic traces.With the evidence gathered, the step, they checked all the clues at the step.According to the findings made, the man who tried to rob the currency exchange office did not act alone.The activities carried out very quickly led the law enforcement officers to the place of residence of the contractor of the robbery, "says Marcin Fiedukowicz from the Municipal Police Headquarters in Łódź.

Ruszył proces Magdaleny Kralki oskarżonej o kierowanie gangiem pseudokibiców Cracovii

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Łódź. Zamaskowany napastnik wszedł do kantoru i otworzył ogień. Oddał dwa strzały!

The surprised man was detained on December 9, 2021, when he got out of his car on the street.A day later his 43-year-old companion came up.His detention was attended by officers of the criminal departments of the Municipal Police Headquarters in Łódź, the Provincial Police Headquarters and officers of the Independent Counter -Terrorist Police sub -unit in Łódź.

In the gallery below see photos about this event

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During the search of the man's apartment, M was secured.in.rubber dummy pistol, pepper gas, badges and police bands, as well as balaclavas.Both suspects, previously recorded for similar crimes, heard the allegation of robbery with a gun in hand, for which he could be punishable by up to 15 years in prison.The younger of them will answer in the conditions of multi -levy.

By a court decision, both suspects were arrested for 3 months.

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