Kitchen Revolutions - Restaurant Zamek.After changing at Rumiński.Address, menu


Although in the Restaurant the Zamek Denmark is decorated with royal, fruit and dining flowers, the place instead of blooming, wither.In addition, Rafał also runs his own car workshop, which is why he cannot fully deal with the "castle".Few customers complain that the dishes are cold, and the long waiting time and high prices deter them even more.It is high time for Magda Gessler to take away with the "castle"!

Castle after the revolutions.In Szczecinek on one of the lakes there is a castle of Pomeranian princes.This is where the "Castle" place was created by Rafał.The adventure of a man with gastronomy began thirteen years ago, when they and his friend opened a fast service bar with kebab.Finally, Rafał dared to take over the restaurant known in the area."Castle" had the opinion of an expensive place intended only for the elite.The new owner wanted to change this, but it ended only with small corrections in the card.Rafał fully trusted the current restaurant team.Only a new employee appeared in the kitchen, a longtime friend of the owner, Szymon.He became the head of the chefs and the unwritten gentleman in the estate.

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Kuchenne rewolucje - restauracja Zamek. Po zmianie U Rumińskiego. Adres, menu

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At Rumiński - Menu

Four weeks after the revolution, Magda Gessler returned to the restaurant at Rumiński.She found dishes such as:

The restaurateurs liked all the dishes she tried.Unfortunately, it turns out that the restaurant has been closed for several months.Everything seems to indicate that the restaurant owner has exceeded a very high rent for renting a premises, which was up to several thousand a month.

Restaurant address at Rumiński (formerly Castle)

The exact address of Rumiński's restaurant, which underwent a metamorphosis under the watchful eye of Magda Gessler, to ul..Mickiewicza 2, 78-400 Szczecinek.

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