Keys in the castle, ajar door to the apartment and a characteristic smell

TVN24 |Wroclaw

14 grudnia 2021, 11:31

TVN24 |Wroclaw

Policja Wrocław
wideo 2/6Policja WrocławW mieszkaniu rozstawione były namioty do profesjonalnej hodowli

Wrocław criminal detained two men who found large amounts of marijuana in the apartment.Policemen brought to the premises a characteristic smell, coming out - as it turned out - through the gap of the ajar door, in which, through their distraction, the suspects left the keys on the outside of the lock.

Klucze w zamku, uchylone drzwi do mieszkania i charakterystyczny zapach

Information that cannabis can be grown in one of the apartments in the Wrocław district of Krzyki, police officers from the Department of Fighting Drug Crime.


Marijuana jars

- When they arrived at the previously established address, the owners of prohibited substances revealed the keys left in the castle from the staircase, and the characteristic smell of the door that they were knocked out through the gap of the door ahead led to the target.Two men stayed in the apartment, they were detained.A total of over 20,000 portions of various types of drugs were secured.They were mainly marijuana or hashish, but there were also amphetamine and other prohibited substances - informs Aleksandra Rodecka from the press office of the Wrocław police.

Special tents were placed in two rooms of the apartment equipped with professional equipment for growing cannabis.

35- and 32-year-olds heard allegations of having a significant amount of prohibited substances and hemps other than fibrous.They are punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Author: IB/GP

Source: Police Wrocław

Source of the main photo: Police Wrocław

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