Freezed lock or gasket - see how to open a car during frosts


A bit of snow with rain and the temperature below zero, they can cause drivers to get into a lot of trouble getting into the car.How will you get to the car when the castle freezes or the gasket will not want to let go?Contrary to appearances, the fight against ice is quite an easy task.However, when you get to this in the wrong way, in the worst case it may end up with damage to varnish, wipers, door handles, or even the destruction of the glass.Check how to deal with a frozen car safely and effectively.

Before we start a fight against ice, remember not to do anything by force.We must be in particular careful when he comes to open the door - if pulling the door handle does nothing, do not jerk.If we ate a big breakfast, we can pull out the door handle or damage the frozen seals, which, contrary to appearances - regardless of the model - are not cheap.

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What if the castle freezes?

A frozen castle is a matter of water in it, which, for example,.She froze overnight.The most effective solution is to use a spray lock defroster.Such an invention can be purchased properly at any gas station or in the supermarket.There is only one problem with such specifics...As a rule, we keep them in the car.The solution is simple - in the autumn it is worth having it with you, the jacket.Its small sizes do not bother, and costs only a few zlotys.

Heating the key

You can also try this way.You will need a lighter and a key.The trick is to heat the metal part of the key with a lighter, matches or even a gas stove, if we are under the house.Do not overdo it, because it can quite damage the immobilizer.We put the hot key in the lock and wait ok.2-3 seconds to make the heat spread.If it failed the first time, it's worth trying again or two.Patent worth recommending, although you have to be careful.If we have a glow lighter, we can direct the flame directly towards the lock to heat it.This solution is good because such a lighter is not sensitive to wind gusts.However, this solution will only work for older cars.In newer models, we can irreversibly damage the lock.

Hot bottle

Unfortunately, this is a less effective method and hardly anyone can open the car in this way.The method consists in filling the bottle with hot water and heating the lock with it.Of course, not by pouring water on the door, but by applying a warm lock bottle.

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Frozen seals

Although they look like an ordinary piece of rubber, their repair can cost a lot.Why do seals freeze?By accumulating moisture and a sharp decrease in temperature.Even if we have already frozen the castle, it does not necessarily mean the end of trouble.Jerking by force can end in a fiasco - we can tear the seals in this way.

How to properly take care of them?It is worth spreading rubber elements from time to time with a silicone-based agent or technical petroleum jam, which will prevent them from freezing in the autumn and winter.A small packaging of such a preparation costs ok.PLN 15.However, the best protection against moisture is garaging the car.Drivers who do not have such a possibility can use car covers.They are not one hundred percent effective, but they limit the entering water to the corners of the car.

Defrosting process

In emergency situations, we can use a glass defroster.The easiest way to spray the surfaces of the seals around the glass.Then just wait a long time until the center starts working.A larger amount of agent will allow deeper penetration around the door - thus giving us a greater guarantee for success.

Seals can still be heated with a dryer.Unfortunately, not everyone has one of them with them, let alone an electrical socket.However, if we have such an opportunity, let's try to heat the seals evenly, not points.Leaking water or melting ice should be wiped immediately to prevent it from freezing it again.

Emergency entrance

Before we decide to try all these ways, it is worth trying to get to the car in a different way first.If the driver's door refuses to cooperate, maybe it will succeed from the passenger side?Kombi car owners or hatchback can also be tempted to enter the trunk.If we manage to get to the car on our own, just start the engine, turn on the heating and try to open the door again - this time from the inside.

Jan Guss-Gasiński