Do you want to read this article?Register!Gain knowledge, save the time Gerda opens the door to the digital business

- For Gerda as a lock manufacturer to the door, the transition to the intelligent solution segment is a natural path of development.The company has been trying to do so earlier.However, we operate on the consumer market, and this means the need to rip our technological, production and sales capabilities with expectations and purchasing capabilities of customers.Currently, almost everyone has a smartphone, thus the interest in new technologies is growing.The intelligent castle has ceased to be only an expensive gadget and leaves the market niche - says Andrzej Kaszycki, vice president of the board of Tede, also associated with the Gerda company.

He adds that Gerda was founded at the turn of the 80/90.last century.ZX Castle was its iconic product.He hopes that intelligent Tedee will match his popularity.The new set includes three elements: a lock equipped with a battery, a wireless router, connecting the device on the Internet, also enabling remote control, sending information to mobile application information on changes in the state of the lock in real time, etc.., and lock insert with built -in electronics.

The Tedee insert is compatible with other castles available on the market.This means that the system can also be equipped with a "ordinary" door, whose owners would like to be modernized earlier in the lock..This treatment extends the range of potential sales.Teeee uses the production facilities and experience of Gerda partly.

- The production of inserts and mechanical parts is carried out by Gerda.The company has been dealing with this for 30 years and has extensive experience in this area.The electronic parts of the lock are produced in cooperation.Such a model allows us to optimize production costs - explains Grzegorz Chuchra, president of Tedee, as well as co -founder and president of Predica.

The product will be sold in the e-commerce formula, via the Tedee website, as well as in the use of traditional Gerdy sales channels.

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- We will first focus on the Polish market.This will allow us to quickly obtain feedback from customers with product functionality and improve the lock and mobile application.Foreign expansion is inscribed in the development strategy for the coming years - adds Grzegorz Chuchra.


The key to the future

MARCIN MALINOWSKI, pomysłodawca i udziałowiec Pinio

The electronic lock market in Poland is gaining momentum.This is especially visible in professional solutions.Electronic castles become a standard in short -term rental of apartments.Wherever remote access management is part of a larger system, it works at the interface with other processes (reservations, cleaning) or sending messages.No one needs to be convinced that automation is necessary to run a business, releases new possibilities and streams of revenues.Individual users also articulate their needs boldly.They are looking for convenient and safe solutions for the family, but they also expect, for example.automation of e-commerce supplies, as Amazon does in the key by Amazon.Individual customers treat Smart -Lock as a permanent element of home decor and safety, but also a lifestyle element (without keys and wallet).

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