Design your door with Gerda visual configurator

The wide offer of Gerda includes models from various price shelves.All doors meet the strict manufacturer's standards regarding the quality of the materials used, precision, anti -burglary class or acoustic and heat insulation.Thanks to the configurator available at you can choose a version ideally suited to your aesthetic requirements and the budget.

Gerda door to the house

Exterior doors are a business card of the house, emphasizing its character and architectural style.At the same time, they should provide as high as possible anti -burglary class, thermal insulation, and also characterize reliability even during the increased work of the wing.These conditions perfectly meet Gerda external doors from Thermo Prime, Thermo Premium and Optima lines.

Gerda Thermo Prime

Drzwi antywłamaniowe Gerda Thermo Prime oferują skrzydło o grubości 75 mm wykonane z drewnianego ramiaka wypełnionego pianą PUR, uzupełnione o dodatkową przegrodę termiczną. Dostępne są w czterech rozmiarach, czterech liniach wzorniczych oraz dwóch klasach antywłamaniowości, co ułatwia dopasowanie ich do elewacji budynku czy wymagań technicznych. Gerda Thermo Prime to drzwi pasywne, zapewniające termoizolacyjność nawet do 0,79 W/m2K, przez co wyraźnie przyczyniają się do obniżenia rachunków za ogrzewanie. Poziom bezpieczeństwa modelu podnoszą pięciopunktowy zamek i dodatkowe bolce antywyważeniowe.

Gerda Thermo Premium

Drzwi Gerda Thermo Premium wykonano z solidnego drewnianego ramiaka z wypełnieniem z ekspandowanego polistyrenu grafitowego. Dostępne są w dwóch grubościach (75 i 60 mm), dwóch klasach antywłamaniowości, czterech rozmiarach oraz czterech liniach wzorniczych, w ramach których niemal dowolnie można wybrać wykończenie czy kolor. Pozwalają ponadto skonfigurować układ doświetli podkreślając nowoczesny design wejścia, przez co znakomicie wpasują się do każdego domu. Dzięki dodatkowej przegrodzie termicznej zapewniają przenikalność cieplną na poziomie nawet 0,8 W/m2K. Z kolei bolce antywyważeniowe i trzy zamki gwarantują domownikom bezpieczeństwo.

Gerda Optima

Zewnętrzne drzwi antywłamaniowe Gerda Optima w swojej konstrukcji wykorzystują drewniane klocki i ramiak z wypełnieniem z ekspandowanego polistyrenu grafitowego. Dostępne są w dwóch grubościach (60 i 50 mm), dwóch klasach antywłamaniowości, pięciu rozmiarach oraz dwóch liniach wzorniczych z ogromną liczbą wykończeń i kolorów do wyboru. Pozwalają ponadto skonfigurować układ doświetli, a nawet występują w wersji dwuskrzydłowej, jako OPTIMA 60 DUO. W zależności od wybranej grubości czy wyposażenia oferują przenikalność termiczną na poziomie nawet 1,0 W/m2K. Poczucie bezpieczeństwa domowników zdecydowanie poprawiają trzy zamki z pionowym ryglem i dodatkowe bolce antywyważeniowe.

Gerda door for apartments

Gerda door for apartments z linii STAR, PREMIUM i COMFORT zapewniają doskonałe parametry użytkowe. Przede wszystkim gwarantują niezwykle wysoki komfort akustyczny domowników, odcinając ich od hałasów dobiegających z korytarza lub klatki schodowej. Znakomity poziom ochrony antywłamaniowej, dymoszczelności i ognioodporności ma z kolei ogromny wpływ na bezpieczeństwo. Nie bez znaczenia jest też nowoczesny wygląd – w końcu drzwi stanowią wizytówkę mieszkania.

Flats doors: Gerda Star 60, Premium 60, Comfort 60

Gerda Star 60 in their construction use a solid truss made of thickened steel price centers and filling with non -refrigeque polyurethane foam.They are available in five sizes and numerous designs and colors, facilitating their adaptation to the style of the corridor or the interior of the apartment.They are characterized by an extremely high level of RC4 anti -burglary protection.They owe it, among others, to the main castle with a tubular key and fourteen bolts, hinges with a dismantling block or anti -tighting bolcom.The sound insulation coefficient of up to 47 dB, in turn, provides high comfort for all household members.The door can be purchased with an Elite package that allows you to replace decorative panels.

Gerda Premium 60 doors provide extremely wide configuration options for technical, aesthetic and budget.They are available in five sizes, three classes of fire resistance and anti -burglary as well as numerous designs or colors.A special soundproofing package provides excellent sound insulation at 42 dB.In turn, safety is guaranteed by three castles, vertical bolts and anti -tighting pins.In addition, reinforcements of the wing from a thickened, tempered steel rod are available.GERDA Premium 60 doors can also be ordered with an Elite package that allows you to replace decorative panels instantly.

Zaprojektuj swoje drzwi z konfiguratorem wizualnym GERDA

Gerda Comfort 60 is an excellent door to apartments dedicated to customers, for whom the value for money is particularly important.They are available in five sizes, two classes of anti -burglary and numerous finishing designs and colors, thanks to which they can easily adapt to the requirements of the household and the aesthetics of the apartment or the corridor.The soundproofing package provides the household with high acoustic comfort, and three castles with additional vertical bolts and anti -tighting bollers increase the level of safety.

Visual configurator of Gerda door

A house or apartment should give a sense of security and allow rest without interference from the outside.One of the key elements that ensure these feelings are properly durable and aesthetic entrance door.Their proper selection is greatly facilitated by the new Gerda configurator.It is an extremely intuitive tool that allows you to create a dream door to the house and apartment in a few simple steps.

Each selection made in the configurator affects the final price displayed at the bottom of the page.On the right, however, the door preview is visible, refreshed with each change made.In the selection of the model and its equipment, detailed descriptions of all available elements are very helpful.

The first step of the configuration is to choose the purpose of the door (for the house or apartment) and the line.It is followed by additional packages available for some models.You can find options such as the improvement in the class of anti -burglary, the Elite package that allows you to replace decorative panels or a double -leaf structure.

The next stage is to choose the direction and door layout.In the case of houses, it also includes an exposure configuration.The next step is available to adjust their width and height and choose the size of the wing, type of frame and threshold.

The next two stages will be particularly pleased with aesthetes.They choose the design line, finish and colors of individual elements.There are many configuration options to choose from.Their specific number depends on the model, but in almost every case you can create a unique door that no one else has.

The next step is the selection of accessories covering the types of signs, insoles, sightseeing (including electronic) or hinges.At the last stage, you can choose accessories and accessories for configuration.They include electronic components, such as access control keyboard or solepatrosis, door maintenance preparations and self -closes.

Under the last step there is an option to preview the configuration details in the form of a convenient, transparent table.It is also possible to generate a PDF file with a summary of elections and a valuation of the created doors.

Why choose the Gerda door?

GERDA houses and apartments are a guarantee of the highest quality of workmanship and reliability.They provide protection against burglary, fire, external conditions or noise.House models also distinguish an excellent level of thermal insulation, which significantly reduces heating bills.

Gerda door is also extraordinary flexibility.Individual models come in many sizes, versions and configurations illuminates and accessories.However, the possibilities of choosing a finishing pattern and colors are particularly wide.They allow you to match the door to any architectural style and use.

The new GERDA configurator is extremely helpful in getting a multitude of finishing options, colors or accessories.It is an excellent intuitive tool, allowing you to create a unique door tailored to the highest technical and aesthetic requirements in simple, successful steps.

With its help, in just a few minutes you can choose the line and finish of the Gerda door, their size and additional equipment.Each change is immediately visible on the preview on the right and included in the price.The completed configuration can be exported to the PDF file and immediately place an order for your dream, unique Gerda door.