Broken key in the castle - what to do?-

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A broken key is a problem that appears suddenly and causes significant confusion by the inability to open and close the door.Therefore, this is a matter that should be dealt with as soon as possible to be able to function normally.What to do when the key breaks and gets stuck in the castle?Can you pull out the broken key yourself?

Profesjonalna pomoc, czy samodzielne próby?

Facing the problem with a broken key in the first movement, we want to pull it out on our own to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.This is of course possible, but it depends on the situation and type of lock.If a large part of the key stuck in the castle and its part protrudes, there should be no problem with its removal, but if a small part has been broken, it is better to call after an experienced locksmith who offers opening castles Krakow can use help at any time of the day or night.Good locksmith https: // www.Emergency-Zamkowe-Krakow.PL will quickly solve the problem without the risk of causing damage in the castle.

Jak wyciągnąć złamany klucz?

You can try to remove the broken key from the lock in two ways.In the first method you will need a second key matching the lock.It should be put on from the other side, but you have to do it carefully and about halfway, and then knock on its end a few times with a hammer.There is a chance that the broken key will fall out in this way and the problem will be solved quickly.The second method requires a thin wire, pliers and lubricant.The wire should be caught on the protruding key clove and gently pull so that the key comes out of the zipper - the resistance encountered can be overcome with lubrication.As the key protrudes beyond the tab, it should be pulled out with the help of pliers.These methods only work if a large part of the key is stuck in the castle, and this does not guarantee success.

Pomoc fachowca

In the event that the above methods after a few attempts did not bring results, it is better to quickly call for the help of a specialist who has the right knowledge and tools.Thanks to this, he is able to pull out a small part of the key from a complicated lock.In addition, a professional will check if the castle does not require replacement to ensure an adequate level of security, and such situations did not repeat anymore.Emergency opening of Krakow castles provides quick and professional help 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.