What to do to make the Christmas tree not lose needles?Add two ingredients to the water

We all love living Christmas trees.Their smell quickly fills the room, which makes you feel a real festive atmosphere at home.Many people wonder when there is the best time for the clothes of the Christmas tree.Tradition says that the Christmas tree is not adorned only on Christmas Eve, i.e. December 24.However, most Poles decide to put a Christmas tree at home a little earlier, so that they can enjoy her eye as long as possible and wait for Christmas in a pleasant atmosphere.

What to do to make the Christmas tree not lose needles?Add two ingredients to the water

How to make the Christmas tree enjoy the eye of the household for at least a few weeks?Of course, a live tree must have access to water.The cut Christmas tree can be placed in a stand with a water container.In the case of the first option, do not forget about cutting a piece of trunk to facilitate water absorption.We must also remember to add water to the stand everyday.

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However, if you want to slow down the needle falling process, add a little salt and sugar to the water - two or three tablespoons per liter of water are enough.This natural fertilizer will make the Christmas tree keep its charm.


In many homes, one more trick is used - coins are thrown into the water.Thanks to them, harmful bacteria, algae and fungi will not develop in the water.

Also watch out for lamps and lights.It is better that they do not smoke all the time.Otherwise you can overheat the needles.Interestingly, some instead of a living tree decide on recently fashionable wooden illuminated Christmas trees or artificial Christmas trees in white, which are extremely effective.This solution is ideal for people who like to be original, and taking care of live plants is not their strength.

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree - where did it come from?

"The custom of tuning Christmas trees for Christmas today knows the whole Christian world.However, there are no roots in Christian antiquity or in the remains of pagan cults.It was created quite late.In Western Europe, it dates back to the end of the 15th.and in Poland he took root for good only in the nineteenth century, although already in 1698.You could buy a Christmas tree at the Gdańsk Fair " - we read on Onet Religia.

According to sources, we have been dressing the Christmas tree in Poland since 1698, but this custom was rooted for good in our country only in the 19th century.Formerly in the territory of the Commonwealth on the occasion of Christmas, instead of a Christmas tree, sheaves of grain were placed in the rooms, and hay was broken down on the floor.The crib was also a must -have element of the Christmas decor.

And you, when do you dress the Christmas tree?Do you prefer a living or artificial tree?

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