They led to the most guarded place in the city

TVN24 |Pomerania

25 grudnia 2021, 10:30

TVN24 |Pomerania

wideo 2/6Muzeum Gdańska Najstarsze drzwi w Gdańsku zostaną zrewitalizowane

Established in the 1980s.14th century and are the oldest door in Gdańsk.- In the past they led to the most guarded place in our city, where the memory of the past was stored - says Waldemar Ossowski, director of the Gdańsk Museum.In January 2022, the massive door will be renovated.

The large door of the oak tree separates the large veto room from the Great Hall of Krzysztof in the Main City Hall in Gdańsk.According to Andrzej Gierszewski from the Gdańsk Museum, they were probably created in the 1980s.14th century and are the oldest door in the city.They exist 120 years longer than those from St. Mary's Basilica and the churches of Saint Catherine, Saint Nicholas and the Holy Trinity.

- formerly led to the most guarded place in our city, where the memory of the past was stored.- says Waldemar Ossowski, director of the Gdańsk Museum.-In a small, beautifully decorated with the 16th-century paintings of the room, today called the Great Krzysztof, the most important documents were guarded behind the thick walls, e.g..Royal privileges, ordinances, economic books and correspondence - he adds.

Massive doors in January 2022 are to be renovated.- museums are not only places full of secrets that are waiting for the discovery.We are also the carers of our heritage, which is why we decided to revitalize the oldest door in Gdańsk - explains Ossowski.

They were green and the heads were red

The fact that the massive door in the Main Town Hall of the City is the oldest in Gdańsk, was discovered by her research in 2006, Dr. Katarzyna Darecka from the Museum of Gdańsk Architecture Conservation Laboratory.On one side of the door there are boards in a vertical system, on the other hand in a horizontal system.Both layers are made on two sides with iron nails, with a fenced cones head.The joinery is decorated with a lock with a two -lubble branch, which was reconstructed after the war.

- Watching boards under the magnifying glass, I found the remains of green and red paint.The samples taken were sent to the laboratory.However, confirmation and verification of those tests could only occur during comprehensive maintenance and removal of secondary layers of paint - says Dr. Katarzyna Darecka.- Conservation works are performed by a qualified and experienced conservator of works of art Michał Masorz.During the works already underway.

"Miraculously avoided a fire that digested a large veto room"

- Currently, only selected fragments of the door to the great Krzysztof have been unveiled, which seriously suffered in 1945, when they miraculously avoided a fire that destroyed a large veto room.They survived to this day mainly because there were other, made of iron sheet metal, which also protected access to the former archive and they took over the impetus of the explosion and fire in the veto room - explains the conservator.


Currently, museum employees face a dilemma on how to revitalize the door and display the original colors.

- Now every day of work is accompanied by questions whether, by revitalizing the color of the door, we should only create selected fragments, where the former paint has survived, or reconstruct this color over the entire surface.Everything will depend on the degree of preserving the original layer, and we will find out soon - says Darecka.

He adds that both methods have their advantages.- thanks to the first we keep and give their full history.The second one will certainly enjoy visitors and will harmonize with the decor of the former city archive we revitalized in 2019- he says.

Hall of the Great Krzysztof

The Great Krzysztof Hall, after a fire protection system, was revitalized in 2019 thanks to the subsidy from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.Work on the revitalization of the door is carried out from the own funds of the Gdańsk Museum.

According to Gedanopedia, the online encyclopedia of Gdańsk, the great Krzysztof is a room measuring 5x4 m.Located on the first, representative floor of the town hall, with two windows from the side of Długa Street.Until 1902, the room served as a city archive.Privileges, correspondence, land books and other documents properly organized and sorted were stored there.Several segments of the large archival wardrobe from the 16th century have survived to this day.Valuability and valuable things were also kept here sporadically.In the interior of the great Krzysztof there is an original medieval floor.The vault and walls are decorated with reconstructed painting decoration.Plant motifs and coat of arms with the emblems: Poland, Royal Prussia, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Gdańsk were recreated after World War II.

Author: MAK/GP

Source: TVN24/PAP

Source of the main photo: A.Grabowska/Gdańsk Museum

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