She damaged the elevator at the Zawiercie station.Everything was recorded by the camera.The woman has already heard the charge

Zobacz galerię(4 zdjęcia)Dodaj komentarz:Udostępnij:Winda na zawierciańskim dworcu została uszkodzona. Kamery monitoringu zarejestrowały moment, w którym jedna z wychodzących kobiet niszczy drzwi.The total amount of losses is almost PLN 700.

In October this year.The elevator door was damaged at the Zawiercie railway station.As it turned out, the upper shaft doors and cabin doors were destroyed.The elevator has been immobilized.The total amount of losses is almost PLN 700.

The monitoring recording was secured on which two women.One of them, leaving the elevator, makes damage.Zawiercie Criminals determined who the perpetrator was.The 30-year-old Zawiercianka has already heard the charge.

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Uszkodziła windę na dworcu Zawierciu. Wszystko nagrała kamera. Kobieta usłyszała już zarzut

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