Mother Sister-Katarzyna Zapilniak (1899-1996)-Good News

She was like the propheteral Anna, who lasted in the temple in prayer.Many simply spoke to her mother because she was like Mat: caring, tender and loving.SisterCatherine, the Franciscan of the Mary's family was - one could say - an ordinary sister for a horse, but in the memory of those whom she used, she enrolled as a holiday.

Axis.Katarzyna could write a lot.Here we call only a few facts from her biography, which could be used as a script for many a film.

- Autopromocja - KLIKNIJ NAGRAFIKĘ-


This small town is located only a few kilometers from Szczepanów - the place of the worship of St..Stanisław Bishop and Martyr (Tarnów diocese).It is there in 1960.was directed to work s.Catherine.At that time, the Franciscans lived in a house, which they received inheritance from one of the residents and it was there that the first chapel was created (earlier there was neither the church nor the chapel in the village).Unfortunately, people gathering there in prayer disturbed the communist authorities who decided to close it, destroy it or change it to a warehouse.The inhabitants of Mokrzysk and sisters opposed this.All the anger of the communists fell on s.Catherine.This was called for interrogations to Brzesko, tormented for many hours with questions, and even physical violence was used to her.When she could not get any testimonies, she was released at night and had to go home 6 km on foot.

Thanks to the efforts of.Catherine not only survived the chapel, but also a beautiful church in Mokrzysky was built.

Fragment of the certificate p.Bożena: I would like to thank God with deep gratitude for healing my daughter Natalka (malignant tumor on women's organs) and the birth of a healthy daughter of Zuzia.Thank you with all my heart to Sister Katarzyna for her intercession and baked favors.


Mateczka Siostra –Catherine Przybytniak (1899-1996) – Dobre Nowiny

SiostraCatherine, choć wraz z innymi siostrami ciężko pracowała na swoje utrzymanie, zawsze znajdowała czas dla innych.Many, when he had a problem, first went to her advice.Her fate of large families and children was particularly expensive.

Fragment of the certificate S.. Marii Nowa kowskiej: Opowiadała SiostraCatherine, że za czasów stalinowskich budowali kościół.It was then "on the NKVD".When the police wanted to beat her, the commandant arrived and said: "Run, I can handle her".And he whispered to his ear to his sister: "Let the sister build a church when it rains or at night.Let people pray ".He was kind and grateful to his sister, because she looked after all his family.When he was a little boy, his father died and his mother got confused her senses. SiostraCatherine karmiła te dzieci, chodziła po dworach, żebrała o odzież i jedzenie dla nich”.

The memory continues

From the death of.Catherine is passing years.On her grave, however, candles are still burning and people who promised to remember her always, but especially on All Souls' Day, on the anniversary of death, i.e. November 10, and in her name day (November 25).Many, seeing how good she was in life and how willing to help people, also now calls her help and intercession, and she is asking for the grace for them.There are more and more testimonies.

Fragment of the certificate p.Anna: The day came that a family drama, unexpected and painful, fell on me.I stood in front of the specter of marriage and family breakup.I shared this problem with my friends.When it was very hard for me, I went to them and we talked for hours.They always upheld me and assured me of prayer.Dolded with their support, I asked them to recommend my family to the care and intercession of Sister Katarzyna.I thought that since she saved their family, he would hear and my prayers.When I embraced my matters with the prayer and intercession of Sister Katarzyna, everything slowly began to change for the better.Today, when I write these words, I can say that my marriage was saved.Last year, two of our children made marriages, and a few days ago the grandson Szymon was born to us.Kasia's daughter is also in a blessed state.

A fragment of the Central Court Certificate. Mariana Wala:SiostraCatherine była bardzo uczulona na biedę i choroby ludzi.She visited the poor, especially for many children, and she had the necessary things they needed.I remember such a small detail - before Christmas, as a vicar of the parish, I went to the sick.In one of the houses I found extreme misery.I gave the sacraments of saints, left several dozen zlotys and went on.Then I said about these people to Sister Katarzyna. Okazało się, że Siostry co pewien czas odwiedzają ten dom, ale zaraz po rozmowie ze mną SiostraCatherine wzięła swoje prześcieradła, ręczniki, jedzenie i poszła z drugą siostrą do tego domu, by posprzątać mieszkanie, posłać łóżka, napalić w piecu, uszczelnić drzwi i przygotować posiłek

A fragment of Marek Adamczyk's certificate: The grave of Sister Katarzyna, because he is waiting and with a strange certainty I said that everything would be good, that my sister would help.On Saturday, I took them testimonies of sister Katarzyna to read and that they could and ask her for the favors needed.In a short time, the joyful news came that Kamil's health improves quickly. Ja wiem, że to SiostraCatherine wysłuchała naszych modlitw i zaniosła je do Pana Jezusa.On May 27, 2019, I met Kamil's mother.With tears in her eyes, she thanked me for the prayer and assured me that they were on the grave of Katarzyna's sister.She said that she deeply believes in her help, because the doctor Kamila said that it was a real miracle, that there was no trace or side effects after the stroke, and the patient's body regenerates very quickly.(...) A few days later I met Kamil and told me that he was with his family on the grave of Sister Katarzyna and that he was convinced that recovery so quickly is the merit of his sister.

Fragment świadectwa Janiny Kawałko: SiostraCatherine była dobrą gospodynią.We worked together on their farm for many years, which was their only means of maintenance. SiostraCatherine zawsze nosiła przy sobie kawałki chleba i w razie potrzeby dzieliła się nimi.I remember once we took hay from the wetland part of the meadow to the puppets to the places higher located.The sun was very strong, and we had nothing to drink and our throats were dry. Wtedy SiostraCatherine wzięła chleb i powiedziała, aby go rzuć powoli i w ten sposób zniknie uczucie pragnienia.It also happened.She had an open heart for everyone - from child to old, sick and in need.She tried to reconcile the feudal and conflicted pages.She liked children very much for whom she always had something good.Gathered children at May services.She talked a lot about God and the Holy Mother.She strove that children from 6.they joined Holy Communion.She prepared them for this along with other sisters.