This is the smallest house in Poland!It was created in Pomerania.See how it looks inside!

House with a quality sign of the module. The quality of the modules allowed to build a tight and solid construction.

To najmniejszy dom w Polsce! Powstał na Pomorzu. Zobaczcie, jak wygląda w środku!

- It is worth noting that tightness is the basis for the proper operation of energy -saving installations mounted at home, i.e. mechanical ventilation with heat recovery and a heat pump heating water and air in the house.Professional workmanship and reasonably selected equipment will ensure low energy consumption, maintaining a constant room temperature, and thus small heating charges - Wenski's calcium, Technical Manager habitat in the Saint -Gobain group.

On December 1, 2017, the house received an official certificate confirming all parameters.According to increased requirements, also against external and home noise, it will provide very good acoustics, optimal sunlight, high air quality and a favorable microclimate.