How does the microclimate affect the wooden floor?|We are building a house

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Mikroklimat awood

The above -mentioned, basic components of home microclimate have a huge impact on the body's thermal management, well -being and health.All this translates into mental and physical fitness as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of our actions.The microclimate, however, affects not only man, but also on natural materials used in our homes, e.g..wood. Pod wpływem panujących we wnętrzach warunków,wood na podłogach naprzemiennie kurczy się i rozszerza.

Both situations in extreme cases can lead to a distortion of the floor.It is worth emphasizing, however, that this applies to a greater extent of solid than layered boards.Why?The primer layer in layered floors minimizes the impact of humidity and temperature on wood life.

Podłoga warstwowa jest bardziej odporna na wahania temperatury i wilgotności fot. Baltic Wood

What air humidity is perfect?

The humidity of the air is referred to as the content of water vapor in the atmosphere.Its correct value should be in the range of 30% to 65% (minimum level determined by the Polish standard PN-78/B-03421).However, the optimal humidity, i.e. one in which we feel the best, oscillates around 40-60%.This degree of humidity is conducive not only to our health and well -being, but also wooden floors and furniture.

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It is worth taking care of this parameter especially in winter and summer.Why?In the heating period, the temperature in the rooms is usually high and the frequency of ventilation of rooms is low.This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the amount of water vapor in the environment up to 20%.When the humidity in the apartment oscillates within this value, we feel discomfort in the respiratory tract - dryness and scratching.Our wooden floors also suffer from this, in which gaps may appear.In turn, during warm, abundant in heavy precipitation, air humidity can be up to 80-90%.In such conditions, respiratory tract infections and headache often appear.It is also humidity too high for wooden floors.The persistent persistent should not affect the layered boards, but in the case of solid floors it can lead to the so -called."Boats" - raising the outer edges of the boards.

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What is the perfect temperature in the room?

Each person has individual preferences regarding temperatures prevailing in the environment.However, there are values that are recommended by both doctors, heating installers and wooden floor manufacturers.Optimal levels determined by specialists have a positive impact on our health and well -being, but also on expenses and durability of wooden surfaces.

In the construction law there is a provision with a minimum temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and the maximum remaining at the level of 24 degrees Celsius (in bathrooms).For wooden layered floors, however, the most advantageous is the oscillating value between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius.In turn, the optimal temperature in the apartment recommended by medics is 22 degrees C.This level ensures thermal comfort and at the same time does not expose the mucous membranes to excessive drying.And what temperature at home will be optimal during the night?Both in the bedrooms of children and adults it is recommended to keep the temperature at 18-20 degrees Celsius.Such conditions are a guarantee of a deeper sleep, and as a consequence - better rest.

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The importance of an efficient ventilation system at home

Ventilation also has a huge impact on the "healthy" microclimate of the room.Behind this term lies air circulation, which usually occurs between the interior of the house and the space outside.However, the correct air exchange system should be based not only on natural ventilation, consisting of ventilation of rooms by creating drafts.One of three other types of ventilation should also be used in homes and apartments:

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When ventilation at home does not work properly, mold appears on the walls, and water vapor condensate can be seen on the windows.In incorrectly ventilated rooms, unpleasant odors and moisture are also clearly noticeable.Long -term health consequence of such a microclimate may be headaches, allergies, fatigue and irritation of the mucosa.

If the ventilation does not work properly, it is recommended to do a review of the patency of ventilation ducts and install the diffusers.On the supply of fresh air while removing pollutants outside, it will also have a positive impact to take care of the right size holes/gaps in the door (between the rooms, their surface should be at least 80 cm2, between the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, min, min.200 cm2).

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Can a wooden floor disturb the microclimate?

Floor boards also affect the microclimate at home.Wood "breathes", which in practice means that depending on the prevailing conditions, it absorbs or reflects moisture.In the case of excessively saturated with water steam, the boards absorb moisture, and when the air is too dry, they give it to the environment.Wood is therefore a natural air humidity regulator in our homes.Of course, his absorption capabilities are not unlimited, so - if for decades we want to enjoy a beautiful wooden floor - it is worth taking care of an adequate level of humidity and air temperature in the apartment, as well as efficient ventilation, which facilitates the regulation of these parameters.

Source and photos: Baltic Wood