Pairing windows - causes and preventionWe are building a house

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What is glass evaporation caused?

The condensation of water vapor on the outer surface of the combined glass is caused by very high thermal insulation of this type of shaft (i.e..low heat transfer coefficient of UG).It causes that only a small amount of warm air penetrates outside the room.

The outer glass remains cold (within 9-10ºC) and it is on it that moisture condenses in the form of steam.

With the phenomenon of pairing windows on the outside of the window, you can often find in areas with high humidity, e.g..near water reservoirs, where in the morning the air can heat up faster than window windows.Also in winter, if we ventilate, we open the window wide to the outside, the moisture comes out of the room practically immediately and it is also a physical phenomenon that cannot be avoided.

Zaparowana szyba w oknie (fot. E.Rose)

How to deal with pairing windows?

Air supply is an essential element of any ventilation system and directly affects the effectiveness of its operation.

Until the end of the 1980s.Last century, the air was given to most houses and residents through leaks in the windows.The last 20 years have been the production period.


In the event that the relative humidity in the room exceeds 60% with a difference in temperature inside and outside of the order of 20 ° C, a physical phenomenon may occur, consisting of periodic condensation (condensation) of water vapor on the windows from the inside or from the outside.This is a natural effect, having nothing to do with the quality of the product.

We must understand that in the air, depending on its temperature, a certain amount of water vapor can "fit".The lower the temperature, the faster the excess moisture must be condensed, and it condenses in a place that has the lowest temperature, in the case of external partitions, it is usually a window.

Excess moisture should be systematically discharged from the inside through an efficient ventilation system and conscious, systematic ventilation.Otherwise, the humidity in the building increases, and thus the risk of condensation increases.

In the case of pairing the glass on the inside of the shaft package, this can be prevented by ensuring the supply of fresh air to the rooms, e.g..through regular weathering.Very often, evaporation of windows inside the rooms is the result of poor ventilation, so first check the operation of gravitational ventilation or replace it with mechanical ventilation.

Additionally, you can opt for micro -entrance windows, which ensures a constant supply of fresh air into the room.

The second cause of condensation of water vapor on the windows is too much air humidity.Therefore, it is worth using a low ug's heat transfer coefficient in rooms exposed to humidity, with a warm distance frame.

It is best when the frame is made of stainless steel or plastic, because this reduces the likelihood of so -called.thermal bridge (place with worse thermal insulation parameters through which heat escapes).

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It should be emphasized, however, that even the best window glass will not eliminate the pairing of the glass with too high humidity in the room.In this case, it is advisable to equip the window with appropriate supply devices, i.e. diffusers.

Zaparowane szyby to typowy objaw złego działania wentylacji. Najłatwiej poprawić ją montując nawiewniki w górnej części okna (fot. Brevis)

Diffusers - a way to steamy windows

The diffuser is a device mounted in a window or in a wall that allows air to bring to the rooms even with tightly closed windows.This should be done in a continuous, controlled manner and in an amount in accordance with applicable regulations.Products available on the market differ in efficiency (the amount of air supplied) and sound insulation, i.e. protection against external noise.

There are 3 groups of diffusers:

Nawiewnik higrosterowany zwiększa strumień nawiewanego powietrza, jeśli jego wilgotność w pomieszczeniu rośnie (fot. Aereco)

Monika Łastowska, Andrzej Kowalskifot.opening: E.Rose