Sejm.From year to year there are more and more restrictions for journalists and the audience - TVN24

Zdjęcie: TVN24RadomirWit25 września 2021

Someone will call it the Salam method.Someone will say that it is cutting pieces of cake in such a way that hardly anyone realizes that almost nothing left from the cake.There is transparency, access to politicians and the opportunity to ask questions to the most important people in the country.Space to do this, from year to year it is systematically decreasing in the Sejm.

We remind you of the best texts of the past year on TVN24.Pl.One of them below. ZOBACZ TEŻ INNE, KTÓRE WYBRALIŚMY >>>

November afternoon 2017.A message appears on the website of the Sejm.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017, 4:31 pm

We appeal to journalists taking place on the ground floor in the main hall, so that during the days on which the session of the Sejm take place, they use the space on the left (from the column hall), leaving the right right free.This will allow more efficient and less troublesome use of the cloakroom, one of the basic places to which people visiting the Sejm complex are guided in the autumn and winter season.We count on cooperation and understanding.We also ask for good cooperation with CIS employees and respecting the indications of the Marshal's Guard Guards.

Sejm Information Center

Someone could say: nothing special, just a typical autumn request.In practice, however, these few sentences dressed in the formula of the message, and not changes in cleaning regulations will make journalists lose their access to talks with the policies of the ruling party.

Sejm. Z roku na rok przybywa ograniczeń dla dziennikarzy i publiczności - TVN24

It just so happens that the "right side" is part of the lobby that PiS politicians enter the Sejm Plenary Hall.It is there - until the message that turned into a carefully enforced prohibition of staying for journalists - the ministers, important politicians, people making decisions appeared..We had a lot of questions for them, we journalists.

It is worth emphasizing here that no order or other recipe has ever followed this message.At least nobody, chased away from that place, to journalists, was able to provide the legal basis of activities other than the mentioned entry on the Sejm website.

And so the months passed, the autumn and winter plush turned into the spring sun.Politicians stopped using the cloakroom and the ban remained.To this day.

Thanks to this, politicians of the ruling camp (because they make decisions that apply to millions of Poles) can simply ignore the questions of journalists who remain in a separate space.

It looks like:

After won in 2015 by Law and Justice, the parliamentary elections, in the Sejm and Senate the revolution in access to politicians began, and thus - in access to information.First there were minor movements: the secretion of space for journalists and the complete closing of the Sejm lobby.

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