Did you slam the keys in the car?In this way you will open it in 30 seconds

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Imagine this situation - you are on vacation, you slam the door in the car and suddenly it turns out that the keys are left inside.The spare ones are waiting in the drawer at home...A few hundred kilometers away.The situation sounds hopeless and unfortunately it really happened to many people.However, it turns out that there is a quite simple way out of it!

The problem of the keys closed in the car happened to many drivers.This is a situation that can meet us mainly in older models, but we know those who have also managed in newer vehicles.If we do not have spare keys at hand, such a slip -up can be completely hopeless.Seeded vacation, late work or an important meeting - these are just some of the potential unpleasant consequences.Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation!

It turns out that many car models can be opened without keys in just 30 centimeters.A string is needed - about 30 centimeters longer than the width of the car doors - and protruding in their inner part.You don't believe?See for yourself:

Source: YouTube.com

Surprised?Have you ever tried something like that?Do you have your better ways?Let me know in the comments!

Kamil Durczak z nową ukochaną nad morzem

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/I slammed the keys in the car?This way you will open it in 30 seconds

Imagine this situation - you are on vacation, you slam the door in the car and suddenly it turns out that the keys are left inside.The spare ones are waiting in the drawer at home...A few hundred kilometers away.The situation sounds hopeless and unfortunately it really happened to many people.However, it turns out that there is a quite simple way out of it! I nie mamy na myśli jechania autobusem do domu i z powrotem!

/I slammed the keys in the car?This way you will open it in 30 seconds

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