Acoustics at home - how to eliminate noise?|We are building a house

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Investors do not usually think about protection against noise at the stage of preparing construction or during it.She was not paid too much attention in the regulations regarding single -family buildings.And yet acoustic comfort is crucial for the quality of our lives.

That is why the sound insulation of partitions, i.e. the ability to stop (reflect, absorb) the sound wave, reaching the building from the outside, or spreading between the rooms.

It is described by the RW indicator expressed in decibels (db), which shows how much the sound is muted on the other side of the partition.The higher its value, the better.However, for our reception of sounds, the "background", sound height, etc. is also important. Therefore, the RW indicator corrects depending on what kind of noise dominates in the environment.Therefore, we have a RA1 indicator for partitions between rooms and for walls and windows of buildings located in a quiet area.And the RA2 indicator used when the building is planned in a loud place - along the fast route, railway line, etc.

How to assess whether the sound insulation value given in decibels is large or small?The difference of less than 3 dB is almost imperceptible.We will notice a change at 10 - a dozen db for sure, it can be said that it will be approximately half the quieter.Dozens of dB will allow you to mute loud sounds from behind the wall to barely audible.

According to the regulations, the walls separating sanitary and residential rooms are to have a RA1 indicator not less than 35 dB, those between residential chambers 30 dB.In the case of partitions between premises in twins and serial houses it is 50 dB.

Noise from the outside

External walls

Their ability to suppress sounds is not crucial if we are building under the forest, in a remote area.But on a busy road, a small plant or a market square.In this situation, the sound insulation of the building material should be one of the main criteria for its choice.

Sounds suppress two types of materials well:

That is why it is from heavy silicles that the walls separating the twin halves or housing in new blocks are placed.A heavy building material is simply more difficult to vibrates.That is why it is a good material for walls in a loud area.

Dobry materiał na murowane, solidnie tłumiące hałas ściany, to silikaty. (fot. H+H)

It should be noted that insulation is determined for the partition as a whole, i.e. in the case of a double -layer wall, the value of the RW parameter for the load -bearing layer and insulation should be taken into account.Unfortunately, the most popular method of finishing such a partition with thin -layer plaster causes a slight deterioration of its sound insulation (by 2-3 dB) - an adverse resonance system is formed.And it doesn't matter if foamed polystyrene or mineral wool is warming.

The wall with insulation and thin -layer plaster has worse acoustic parameters than the wall itself without insulation.This also applies to mineral wool insulation, which in other situations has better sound -absorbing properties than polystyrene.However, if the double -layer wall is insulated with a light dry method, i.e. thermal insulation, we protect, for example, with a wooden face, the sound insulation of the structure will increase.

The best acoustic parameters are characterized by three -layer walls with wool insulation, ventilation gap and a heavy facade layer made of clinker or silicate brick.

Ściana dwuwarstwowa ma lepsze właściwości dźwiękochronne, gdy jest ocieplona metodą lekką suchą, w której izolację osłania np. drewniana oblicówka. (fot. Archiwum BD)Ściana zewnętrzna o najlepszych parametrach akustycznych - trójwarstwowa z ciężką warstwą elewacyjną. (fot. Wienerberger)

The continuity of partitions is also very important for acoustic parameters.Crags, gaps, etc. become acoustic bridges.For this reason, brick walls with a vertical weld are better protected against noise than those for a pen and groove.


Typical windows protect against noise than a wall.In their case, the Ra2 parameter is usually around 30 dB (the RW indicator is usually for the same product by 4-5 dB higher).Windows with better insulation have RA2 at 40 dB.The glazing counts here - the type and thickness/mass of the glass.Which, unfortunately, affects the price of joinery.

However, contrary to what you intuitively expect, triangle glazing does not have to be acoustically better than two -stubble.If we care about silence, you need to choose special types of combined glass with thicker and heavier glass panes.

The sound insulation of windows is spoiled by diffusers and gaps formed during assembly.It is best not to plan them on the facade from the loud side, and if there is no other option - let them be special and acoustic models.Better soundproofing is characterized by unopened windows.

The house is also silenced by external blinds.Their armor lowers the noise from the outside by an average of 10 dB.

Opuszczone zewnętrzne rolety obniżają hałas o 10 dB. (fot. Krispol)PoradnikCenisz nasze porady? Możesz otrzymywać najnowsze w każdy czwartek!


The cover material is of key importance in the context of the sound insulation of the roof.As with the walls - the heavier it is, the better.Therefore, tiles work best (concrete has a slight advantage over ceramic).The tin cover is not able to suppress the sound of rain drops about them.

Dźwięk kropli uderzających o dach najlepiej tłumi dachówka betonowa. (fot. Creaton Polska)

Therefore, in houses with a utility attic, thermal insulation from mats or mineral wool plates, which absorbs sound waves, is responsible for silencing this space.It is good that it is quite thick (at least 25 cm), but this layer is needed for the house to be properly isolated.The only sheet metal covering, which suppresses the sound of rain well, is a metal roofing sheet with mineral sprinkles.

An additional layer of sound insulation can be full formwork.

Noise inside

Interior walls

As we have already mentioned, the walls of sanitary rooms (bathrooms) must isolate acoustically better than those between the rooms.What is right - the sound of water drained in the toilet is quite loud.

Technical rooms - boiler room, garage, home workshop also require better insulation.

Devices come to them, the sound of which can disturb us, especially at night - hydrophore, ventilation unit, gas boiler.

Głośnie urządzenia, np. centralę wentylacyjną, umieszczajmy z dala od sypialni, w garażu, albo pomieszczeniu gospodarczym. (fot.

In order for partition walls to effectively eliminate air sounds, they are erected from heavy materials (silicles, full bricks).The massive partition stops/reflects sound waves.On the market we will also find special blocks and aku blocks, with increased sound insulation, from various materials - silicate, ceramics, expanded clay concrete.Acoustic insulation also noticeably improves wall covering with thick traditional cement-lime plaster.

If it is not possible to put a massive wall (e.g. due to the permissible load of the ceiling), lightweight in skeletal technology, filled with material with high flexibility and fibrous or porous structure.This partition absorbs sound waves.It is made up of a frame usually filled with mineral wool with a thickness of at least 5-10 cm, covered with one or two layers of plasterboard 12.5 or 25 mm thick.Acoustic plates with increased insulation are also available.Caring for executive details is very important - between the frame profiles and the partitions (wall, ceiling), put the foam or felt tape, damping vibrations and sounds.

Lekka ścianka wypełniona wełną dobrze pochłania fale dźwiękowe. (fot. Rockwool)Cienka (1-5 mm), elastyczna bariera akustyczna na bazie winylu i kauczuku, do oklejania istniejących ścianek działowych. Taka płyta może stanowić wykończenie przegrody, można ją też pomalować. (fot. Armacell)Oklejanie profili stelażu lekkiej ścianki działowej taśmą tłumiącą drgania. (fot. Rockwool)

The alternative of mineral wool are flexible vinyl and rubber barriers.Using this material and covering it with a layer of G-K plates, effective insulation can be obtained with a 3-4 cm thick construction.Rubber acoustic barriers appear in a version intended for the interior of partition walls and as mats that can be covered with partitions from the top.Such boards can also be painted.

For acoustic comfort in the middle, as is as important as the selection of appropriate insulating materials is correctly planning the rooms and their equipment.We usually place loud devices in a boiler room or garage, so sleeping should be as far as possible from them.Online equipment should be installed on the outer walls, not internal.It is better not to place the sewage divisions, e.g. behind the wall of the living room.

Ceilings and floors

Acoustically, heavy monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete ceilings are best insulated.Denseary ceilings, e.g. popular Teriva, fall out worse in this respect, while wooden ceilings protect against noise.

However, no type of ceiling provides good enough protection against shock sounds, and those coming from the higher floor are extremely annoying.That is why they need to be easily silenced.

The most popular solution to this problem is the floating floor.A thin layer (3-5 cm) of hard mineral wool or polystyrene of acoustic variety is placed directly on the ceiling.This is where the foil and 4-5 cm of cement screed, which must be separated from the walls, poles, etc. with the help of polystyrene or foam tape.This is important - the floor must be separated from all structural elements, just floating!The disadvantage of this solution is the high weight of the floor with screed.That is why sometimes a lighter, but not so effective floating floor is used.In this variant, panels, parquet or mosaic are laid on the ceiling, but not directly on it, but on a special foam or soft fiberboard.

The floating floor allows you to lower the RW coefficient by 30 dB, floating floor - at most by 20.

Pływająca posadzka - panele układane na piance. (fot. HARO)Na rynku znajdziemy wiele produktów w wersjach o podwyższonej izolacyjności akustycznej, np. akustyczne płyty podłogowe ze styropianu. (fot. Styropmin)

From the bottom, the ceiling can be muted by mounting the suspended ceiling.The space between the grate covered with G-K plates and the ceiling is filled with mineral wool.Air sounds will be suppressed in this way very well, worse.

Izolacja podłogi na stropie - widoczne taśmy dylatacyjne przy ścianach. (fot. Paroc)


Sounds are transmitted not only through partitions, but also through pipelines - pipes from sewage, water, ventilation.These can transfer noise even at a long distance.

The sewage system is particularly loud - draining water in the toilet, sewage rafting with pipes with larger cross -sections, throwing water through the washing machine, etc.

Therefore, installation shafts are recommended to lead away from the rooms where it is to be quiet.

The problem is also underestimated culverts through the walls and ceilings, which become acoustic bridges.In these places, noise goes from one room to another.Therefore, the pipes need to be insulated by applying a buffer zone or lecturing installation channels with appropriate material.Acoustic insulation here plays the role of thermal insulation, which is important in the case of pipes with hot utility and heating water.

Rury kanalizacyjne obłożone izolacją akustyczną. Tego typu elastyczne bariery pozwalają na obniżenie hałasu o 30 dB, przy izolacji grubości 3 mm. (fot. Armacell)

Two types of sounds

Sound is vibrations that diverge in a center - in the air, water, metal ...

Depending on what they spread, we divide the noise at home into:

Editor: Janusz Wernerfot.Opening: Depositphotos