We explain how to make online broadcasts or services

Daily mass with Archbishop Rysie [transmission]


The Catholic Information Agency collected the most frequently emerging questions and doubts about how to conduct an online broadcast of parish services.We asked KS to comment on them.Jarosław Raczak from the Diocese of Sandomierz, PhD student at the Media Sciences at the Papal University of John Paul II in Krakow, an active social media user.

Is it complicated?

Asked whether the internet broadcast from the service in the parish church requires in -depth knowledge, KS.Raczak emphasizes that this is an activity that requires only basic skills in social media.

"An amateur transmission, good quality, is able to carry out any parish, provided that it has the appropriate technical conditions: a smartphone or laptop with a built -in webcam, power bank or access to a socket with power supply and internet access," he explains.He adds that an attempt to implement a more professional transmission using a camera or camera is unnecessarily complicating this task.

"To implement such streaming, we need more advanced equipment that will allow us to connect a camera or camera with a computer, it is expensive.From several hundred zlotys, even to several thousand.As for our parish needs, a smartphone, a webcam will certainly give us a very good quality transmission, "he assures.

Wyjaśniamy, jak zrobić transmisję online mszy lub nabożeństwa

What equipment?What internet connection?

Asked to specify the equipment that is needed to carry out the transmission, KS.Raczak emphasizes that the devices we use every day are enough, without advanced technical parameters.

DEON.Pl recommends

Poster with a message.Choose for yourself or for someone you care about

"Two elements are necessary: a smartphone, of course with internet access and a tripod with a phone handle, and as a last resort 'selfie stick' so as not to hold the smartphone in hand throughout the transmission.Certainly the sound quality will improve the tie microphone with the entrance to mobile devices (if there is no such input, we will need an adapter), but it is not necessary.Just set the phone near the speaker, "he says.He adds that a good internet connection is also a key issue: via GSM on the phone or Wi-Fi.

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"The better we have a signal in the phone (3G, LTE) or if we are connected to the Wi-Fi network, e.g..from the presbytery, the better the signal will be, and the transmission should not interfere with.It is worth checking the quality of the connection in advance, if necessary move the router from the presbytery, e.g..to the sacristy, or ask if someone living in the vicinity of the presbytery and has a sufficiently strong signal, he could lend it.As for the fees, the transmission is not associated with any specific amount, we have a transfer available from our internet limit.If the broadcasts were to be every day, you need to try a larger data package or try to organize a Wi-Fi network.I use the 40 GB package and I haven't used it fully so far.However, if we have a completely data limit, or we run out of stationary internet, of course the transmission will be interrupted ".

Do you need to "adapt" the interior of the church?

Priest.Raczak emphasizes that the usual sound system and lighting of the church are sufficient to make the transmitted image and sound of good quality.It is not needed, for example,.lighting the temple."It is best to set the phone, a webcam so that the altar and pulpit are visible, and at the same time our equipment stood in the closeness of the speaker, or is connected to the amplifier from which the sound will be picked up.Remember to set the phone horizontally.During the transmission, additional power supply may also be needed, so it's best to have a socket nearby or a power bank prepared.At the time of the broadcast, it is worth calm the sounds and turning off the vibration so that nothing disturbs it.However, an incoming telephone connection should not break the transmission."

As it suggests, if monitoring is installed in the church, it is worth checking if it is not able to transmission of signal to transmission."Here and there it is wireless connectivity of the camera, here and there discs that record the image. Najlepiej skontaktować się z firmą instalującą konkretny system monitorujący, która ewentualnie podpowie, w jaki sposób go skonfigurować".

What channel to provide broadcasts?

As our interlocutor explains, it is best to broadcast Facebook services, where every user can broadcast.YouTube offers greater possibilities, but a given channel must have a minimum of 1000 subscribers to be able to broadcast transmission from mobile devices.YouTube also gives you the opportunity to disable Internet users' comments.

"From these both channels, we can provide transmission to websites, e.g..parish website, and also invite you to watch our friends, sending them a link.If I were to advise, I would reach for this channel with the broadcast that will give us the greatest ranges. Być może jakaś wspólnota parafialna, albo lokalna grupa ma już duże grono „fanów" na Facebooku i na tym kanale można przeprowadzić transmisje? Osobiście wybrałbym YouTube, ze względu na możliwość udostępnienia na Facebooku i na stronie parafii, bez konieczności posiadania tam konta.In the case of Facebook, to keep a broadcast and watch it, we must have an account set up. Te transmisje są oczywiście darmowe" – dodaje i uzupełnia, że możliwe jest także transmitowanie samego dźwięku, na wzór internetowego radia parafialnego.

As he argues, it is worth breaking the fears of establishing parish profiles in social media."I think that every parish should have at least a website and a Facebook profile.I sometimes hear the fears of priests that they don't know each other, that they don't know what and how.Here is a great place to involve parishioners, older and younger.We priests don't have to be specialists in everything.They are secular who will do it a hundred times better. A może będzie to okazja dla kogoś, żeby znalazł swoje miejsce w parafii i mógł się zaangażować? Taki fanpage może zgromadzić lokalną społeczność i być dla niej rewelacyjną platformą wymiany myśli, doświadczeń, najprostszych ogłoszeń, ale też miejscem dzielenia się swoją wiarą" – zachęca.

What to broadcast?

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Although in recent days there is the most transmission of the Holy Mass on the Internet.and services, e.g..rosary and Lenten, KS. Raczak zachęca, by zastanowić się także nad wirtualnymi rekolekcjami parafialnymi, które, z powodu zagrożenia koronawirusem, zostały odwołane „w realu"."Yes, online retreat has already been prepared by many bishops, individual dioceses and active priests on the web. Ale być może wiele osób chciałoby przeżyć ten czas w gronie swojej parafii – tak, jak pierwotnie było to planowane?"

When asked about how to use internet broadcasts in the liturgy of the Paschal Triduum, if it is celebrated without the numerous presence of the faithful, KS.Raczak points to various possibilities.

"Of course, the most important will be the transmission of the entire liturgy spread over three days.And here is good news, broadcast on social media has no length limit, so if it allows us to limit the data transmission, we can invite parishioners to participate in the entire Paschal Triduum. Oprócz głównych celebracji, także transmitowanie adoracji Najświętszego Sakramentu z Ciemnicy czy z Bożego Grobu, to moim zdaniem dobry pomysł" – dodaje.